she had a fainting spell this morning. her team kept her from hitting the ground revealing. she appears to be woozy and almost falls. losing a shoe under the van the media was kept at bay as they hustled her out. the cover up it was the heat. right uh huh be advised this vid may be pulled
Dead person walking she is in bad shape but they will keep her propped up until she is elected and then let her die. Her vice is part of the neocons.
I am not a supporter of Hillary or Trump to get that out of the way. Franklin D. Roosevelt served from a wheelchair and was a Great President. I think, as a country, we can deal with a President who has health issues. Just come clean and tell us she is having issues.
This is exactly what I think is happening, too, @Martin Alonzo . I actually think she may being forced to go through the motions of running for president, even knowing that she is almost dead. The Clinton's have done so many terrible things that she could have been told she has a choice of dying as the first woman president, or dying in a prison cell. At that point, she would have no choice but to keep up this farce of a presidential campaign, instead of staying home and trying to get medical help. Whether she will even survive to be elected is certainly debatable, at this point.
Although I'm not a Hillary fan, she could live another 10-20 years. People in worse shape certainly do. Unless she has some sort of terminal cancer diagnoses, which I doubt; I don't see her dying any time soon. As for her VP, I like him better than I like her anyway.
Here is an interesting turn of events with all this. First they said that Hillary just had too much heat and had to leave, and even though the videos plainly show them dragging her into the van, the CNN news reports that she "stumbled". So then, they have to come up with some reason why she got so sick, since it really was not very hot, and the next report was that she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. Do they take her to the hospital to treat her ? Apparently not. According to the story, she wanted to go to her daughter's apartment. And a half hour later, she is shown walking and waving, and visiting with a little girl (pneumonia and all), and the new report is that she just was dehydrated and is now fine again. Okay, so here are some odd things being said. That there is a body double, and pictures do show someone who appears to look like Clinton, and a little different nose. I also found a news article that shows the woman whose job it is to act as Hillary's double when needed. Another interesting thing, is Hillary's purse. I always carry my purse on my left shoulder, never on my right. It does not feel right anywhere else but on the left shoulder; but that is just me. Hillary, shown before collapse, has her purse on her left shoulder. Hillary, shown after collapse and recovery, now walking around with the purse on her right shoulder. What about the other ladies here ? Do you wear your purse over either shoulder, or do you have a preference and always have it on one particular side ? But, another thing that confuses me is this. If Hillary does have a double, why didn't they send the double to the cerenomy instead ? She wasn't speaking and all she had to do was stand there and look like Hillary.
I always carry my purse on my left arm too. That's because I am right handed and I think almost all right handers do.
It is common for a candidate to get out of shape due to the stressful campaign. One former governor here collapsed from the daytime heat during a campaign and died because of the heat stroke he suffered. There are other cases but they all point to either exhaustion of excessive stress. With Hillary Clinton, I guess that's over indulgence in physical activities since she is not young anymore and her daily grind is now taking its toll on her body. By the way, our president who is past 70 years old has also a health issue. Last week in Indonesia, he failed to attend the ceremony for the meeting of ASEAN heads because he was suffering from migraine. Well, as humans, we get sick and those popular people have to pay the price of speculation when they suffer an ailment.
Corrie; She has been hidding for over 200 days no stress at all. The daily stress is getting out of bed.
Guess I'm on an odd one because I wear cross body purses and switch sides as the day goes on...otherwise my left shoulder starts to hurt. She could have some health issues, most of us do at this age. Doesn't mean she's going to die. And which shoulder she wears her purse on i don't feel means anything. I have never been a fan of hers and won't vote for her but I really don't think there's anything too much here Especially about the purse. Bet half the women in the world switch and half don't. Also depends on particular day, how heavy it is, is my shoulder hurting that day or not. As for a look alike, I've read a very long time ago...most important people do have them and use them sometimes. Even if that would be the case and her double is elected, what real diffrence would it make if she's following Hillary's agenda anyway. I also doubt a double could pull off playing president....good for public appearances but that's all. And like I said before, to me her VP isn't as bad as she is and I could live with that. I'm just looking at all this fairly, both candidates are seniors and anything can happen to either one even without any health issues. It happens all the time. Trump could stand to lose a few lbs, Hillary too.