I'm glad that the Eagles won but the celebration in Philly got out of hand. I just don't understand what makes people act like that. Alcohol or drugs is the only thing I can think of that would make a man eat horse manure off the street from a policeman's horse. Disgusting!!
I don't know. However I wouldn't even compare them to animals because animals are in many ways more civilized than humans unless they need food or need to protect themselves. This is crazy mob mentality in addition to alcohol no doubt. Remember that paramedic that was beat up at a game by opposing fans. I remember that last Woodstock they did in the 90's that was heavily promoted, filmed and aired by MTV. A co-worker stated she would love to go to that. I said "no way, it's going to end badly. Too many people, too many bands" And I was right. It ended in complete violence. Even ahead of time I just knew something was going to go wrong.
For alot of people there is no right or wrong anymore...anything goes...and it makes it much more dangerous to put yourself in situations where "anything goes"...and usually does.
@Chrissy Cross No I don't get it either. People seem to want to destroy in these situations. If this was "celebratory" it's pretty sick. People destroy in protests also which accomplishes nothing. I don't know what these football fans, win or lose, would have to rage about.
I bet he's really proud of himself today. Not! I wonder how his family and his boss feel about that? The only explanation I can think of is mob mentality aka mob insanity. It starts of as fun then feeds on itself until it turns into insanity. I read somewhere that there were small children there, even babies in carriages. What kind of parent would expose their child to something like that?
It's crazy...I was just looking at the aftermath in some looks more like a riot zone than a celebration. How sad that this is how the people that won celebrate. Clean up will cost a pretty penny too...could have been used for something else.
Yep, like feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, providing health care to those who can't afford it and fixing the infrastructure. Shame on them!!!!!!
I can remember hearing about the riots that would take place after sports events in Europe and the Middle East and, at the time, we didn't have so much of that going on here. I have been to a lot of professional baseball games and never witnessed anything even remotely like this.
Boredom? nothing worthwhile in their lives? they're like lemmings, one does something so the rest just join in ...mob mentality?
I remember, after the Los Angeles Lakers won one of their World Championships, young folks were burning things in the streets and completely destroyed a Los Angeles police car. Shaq O'Neal wound up buying the Department a new one. It has been reported that, like in race riots, a city that wins a sports championship can expect gang members to show up and start trouble. Some young folks, aka gang bangers, who aren't even part of a Protest Parade, join in and create serious problems. It's been known that some young folks who participate in destruction after a sports championship, weren't even at the game.