Yep - can understand that but they need to be informed of the possibility of disclosure, then its their choice to continue
But the problem is that someone else was the one who agreed to the terms. This could expand in a lot of different directions. It does seem to be a medical privacy issue, and is akin to your "Aunt Sally" agreeing to release your lab or imaging results to the police without your knowledge. It may end up letting this guy go free anyway unless a warrant was issued. HIPPA generally protects information like this from being released without a subpoena or warrant in the U.S. I was thinking of having my identical twin daughter send their DNA in and see if they come back with different backgrounds. I think this "genealogical" DNA testing has been ruled inadmissible in some jurisdictions as it leads to Racial Profiling. Wouldn't Mr. Hitler have had a field day with that one--just pull all the DNA records and eliminate the ones deemed unsuitable. Anyway, I'm glad he was caught, but I wish the evidence had come from a different source.
Exactly. Although I was the one who signed the agreement to have my DNA tested, a DNA sample from any of my brothers would be identified as being from one of my siblings, and that would cut the number of people they need to look at down to four. A higher, but still manageable group, would be cousins, and so on. These private DNA test banks will prove to be very helpful to law enforcement and, as you say Don, if another anti-Semitic (or anti-anything) regime were to come to power, it would prove invaluable.
Yea I get that, I just wonder now, if anyone will go down this route in future It can only be recent participants that would be viable DNA I don't personally have a problem with them obtaining the DNA
I was involved in a remote way with some of this in a prior life. The goal of the geneticists is to do a genotype on every newborn, so that all the future genetic "diseases" and traits/tendencies could be preemptively be identified and, hopefully, addressed. How would you like to go through life from childhood knowing you had Huntington's...or some other horrible problem. Could euthanasia be far behind?
I can see that happening. Even before that, I can see mandatory abortions. If not mandatory, then no insurance if you choose otherwise. They are always working on being able to determine the potential for criminality through DNA as well. What if they determine that you have criminal DNA? Will that limit your job choices?