The NFL team owners have finally come to an agreement on the stand or kneel during playing of the National Anthem debate. Simply, if a team member is going to pout and have a temper tantrum whilst the National Anthem is being played, he's going to have to do it in the locker room. All other players on the field are to show the proper respect by standing and facing the flag. I haven't heard whether it is also mandatory to cover one's heart but I imagine that would be asking too much. If perchance a player who is on the field does decide to act like a total buffoon, he will be fined and given some time off for bad behavior. Doesn't this all sound like something a teacher would do in a 3rd grade class? "Johnny, stand up straight or go to the corner and put your nose to the wall until you learn to respect the flag." Idiots!! A rich bunch of idiots but still idiots nonetheless...........................
I am glad to see it, but I know ESPN is upset at "muzzling the players". That is one of the reasons their enrollment is dropping.
I think that they can stay in the locker room so still in a way it will show that the players not on the field are taking a just won't see it. I think they'll only be fined if they do it on the field. I personally was against the players who take a knee but this is a fair resolution in my opinion. They only did it because viewership dropped.
Trump suggested that instead of staying in the locker room, they should leave the country if they can't show proper respect. I agree! Hal
In one way, I couldn't agree with you more but alas, the very foundation of our country rests on freedom of speech and as an extension of that is expression. I do not like it when people disrespect the flag or those who fought under it but dictating that someone Has to stand during the anthem is also taking away their freedom as well. Like I wrote, I do not like it but we can't have it both ways.
True...and forced nationalism or patriotism is very close to communism. There's also that aspect. Look at N. Korea for example.
There is a difference between suggesting that someone who doesn’t respect the flag of the country should live somewhere else, and the government absolutely forcing the outward show of respect, which happens in most countries. Personally, I don’t see President Trump’s remark as much different in nature than one that many of us made before he was elected , and people were announcing that if Trump won the election , they were moving to Canada (or somewhere besides the US). We said (or at least thought), “Fine, if you feel that way , catch the next plane out of here”. Just because it was spoken by our Commander-in-Chief does not mean that he intends to force people to stand and salute the flag, it just means that he thinks the person should go elsewhere if they don’t like where they live. In many ways, we have become a nation of whiners and complainers, people who don’t like something, but just complain about it , rather than trying to make things better, which is what Americans have always done in times past. I can remember being told as a child, not to complain about things. Either do something to change it, or stop whining, my mother would say, when I grumbled that I didn’t like something. Probably a lot of us were raised that same way, and our generation still has people who are proud to be independent, and take care of ourselves. But overall, we have a lot of people who expect to have their needs and wants taken care of for them (by the government), and who still do not respect the very country who does take care of them.
Personally I believe there is a time and place for everything....and at the NFL games is not the time or place.
I'm just saying we may not like what people say or do but it's better than being told exactly what to do or be jailed or killed. My husband lived through communism and so did a lot of my relatives....
I am beginning to wonder if our lust for tradition has any real relevancy any longer with the playing of our National Anthem before a sporting event. Does it indeed make a statement of patriotism and solidarity or is it now more often a simple tradition prior to beer, hotdogs and watching the event? During the world wars, I can see it as a “go U.SA.” boosting gesture but I am not so sure any more. Now, the tradition is being used to make political statements and a way to show awareness in something that is still being debated because no one can truly define its potency nor direction. Yes, I do feel a bit of rage when someone disrespects our traditional response to the anthem and flag but is there any other reason other than tradition for playing the anthem before a “game”? If our kids can’t play nice with the marbles, do we not take away the marbles until another time when they can be more responsible with them? Dunno......
I agree with you (and Bobby) completely about this, Chrissy ! Forced allegiance is not the right answer, and I am also thankful that we (still) live in a country where people CAN choose to disrespect the flag and not be executed or imprisoned for that behavior. But the paradox is that the people who are choosing to show that kind of disrespect for our flag and anthem, are the very ones who do not appreciate that privilege.
Very good, Yvonne. Totally understandable. Funny how our Generation (pre-Baby Boomers and after) complain about all the drug use done today, BUT, just how much drug use was done during the 60's at Woodstock and other outdoor concerts.
That may be correct of can't lump them all together but people can do or think what they want until it's illegal... Sometimes there are consequences for their actions, sometimes not...
Just think, right after 9/11, there were lots and lots of people buying and attaching those small American flags to their vehicle rear window. It was pretty amazing seeing all of the Patriotism for America at the time. Now, look at today...…….basically none of those flags flying on vehicles! Just so many people want to complain and use any kind of thing for a "platform" to do it on. It's gotten ridiculous.
That's part of the problem...….way too many people "want what they want" and will do different things to try and get that. One of the biggest words used in that is when people yell "discrimination". Heck, there are those that yell that, because Seniors get certain things that others don'e, like 55+ Communities. Some call that "discrimination" towards other age brackets.