Im barely getting over Kate Spade this week who hung herself at age 55 with a scarf on a doorknob. Someone who seems to have had it all, plus a 13 year old daughter. Today I wake up to read one of my favorite chefs/authors Anthony Bourdain also hung himself, age 61. He also had a young daughter, 11. I just don't understand it....were their lives so terrible that suicide was the only option? There are lots of depressed people who barely have enough money to eat and yet they don't kill themselves... What would make someone like Kate Spade and Anythony Bourdain do it. I know he had alcohol and drug issues in the past but thought he got clean...maybe a relapse??
I didn't watch his show, but did see the ads for it. Don't know what happened in his life to make him do this, but there are too many people today that are committing suicide for one reason or another. There is also "suicide by cop". Criminals that say "I'm absolutely not going back to jail and look right at the officers and say "kill me", and with a gun pointed at the officers, that's exactly what happens. Really wish there was a way to curb this horror to family and friends of suicide.
One never knows for sure what prompts a suicide. Bourdain's show was the only tv show I watched regularly other than some PBS nature shows. Admittedly, I don't watch much television but his was my favorite. I was shocked and saddened to hear this.
I just don't get it especially when there are so many people with cancer death sentences fighting for their bad are your demons that you can't go on? Guess you have to be there to understand it. He had the money to get help or go off for awhile by himself if things were too much. Or if he relapsed he could have gone to the best rehab or if he didn't want rehab he had the money to get the drugs he needed or wanted. He was working, seemed happy, had a young daughter I'm sure he adored...didn't he think about her? Seems people are killing themselves over relationships gone bad. Supposedly Kate Spade was separated from her husband and Anthony wasn't with his GF anymore but lots of people split and divorce and even lose spouses and don't kill themselves.
I mdersatnd physical pain and can understand a terminal cancer patient wanting to end their life but I guess I just don't understand mental pain that well. I get depressed but I guess it's nothing to what others may be going thru. I would never think of suicide. I love life ...even though mine is boring. I did know someone long ago that killed themselves. So sad, it was an 18 year old boy I babysat when he was younger. He had two older brothers. I went to the you can imagine the parents and grandparents and everyone was devasted. He did it bacause his girlfriend left him....carbon monoxide poisoning sitting in a closed garage with the car running. A beautiful boy, gone for really nothing...very tragic for him at that time but I'm sure a few months later he would have been fine. Senseless tragedy.
As Chrissy mentioned, the desperately poor and truly devastated seldom commit suicide. Those people who do are often those who see no reason to continue living or those who fear the loss of their lifestyle or "honor".
I had never heard of him (the celebrity chef) until I heard about his suicide on the radio this morning. This wouldn't be the case with him but kids and teenagers often kill themselves because everything is of such dire importance to them when they are young. Girlfriends or boyfriends whose names they wouldn't even remember twenty years later, if not for the suicide, are people who they cannot live without. Bullying is also named as a cause of suicide and, having once been a kid, I know that happens as I have been on both sides of that, and kids can be very cruel. That's a part of the narcissism of youth, I think. However, there were sometimes avenues of escape from bullying in past generations, such as fighting back. Not everyone was capable of effectively fighting back, of course, but today, good kids are raised to believe that they cannot fight back, while the bad kids are often far worse than they were a few generations ago, and they don't care. Adults may intervene but, because they generally intervene in ways that only make things worse for the kid being bullied, that doesn't help very much. I know this doesn't speak to the most recent suicide of the celebrity chef, whose name I won't remember anymore in death than I did in life, but it does speak to the larger issues of suicide.
I'm surprised you never heard of him, I can understand you not being a fan but I thought most knew him. I first heard of him when he was on The Travel Channel with his show about food in different countries. Ive always been kind of a "foodie" though. Guess you never heard of Kate Spade either or are you going to surprise me and say yes you have.
And now I just read this, someone who is dying at age 68 and probably wishes he wasn't. All so sad.
No, I had never heard of Kate Spade either. I don't travel in those channels, I guess. Krauthammer, I am familiar with.
Thank you for starting this thread @Chrissy Cross I was pretty shocked to hear of this when I turned on CNN this morning. I too made the connection of two well known people with good money gone in a matter of a couple of days both with daughters of similar age. I feel so bad for those children. It's hard to know what goes through someone's mind. I sure get down at times. I don't know if this is true clinical depression or what. You have to wish there was someone they could have called.
I had heard of Kate..Anthony...had never heard of. Still suicide is very disturbing. Once when I was a very young mother of two raising them on my own...I breifley thought about ending it all. My oldest daughter tried to end her life once on a Mothers Day of all things....overdose...but she pulled thru. I don't think suicide is always planned..but more of a spare of the moment type thing.Often times it leaves those left behind with un deserbing guilt. It's a selfish way to go sometimes...but does show how deep the pain they bore.