A lot of it happened in Pittsburgh...I was looking thru all the names to see if I recognized any but seems it was after I left Pittsburgh and especially after leaving Catholic school.
Remember that most of them are fine people. If you probe the public school system, many of the Protestant denominations or any other organization, you would find similar. The Catholic Church is a convenient target because it is the biggest.
Are you Catholic @Don Alaska ..I forget. I always think of myself as Catholic but ....it's not even the sexual abuse that was horrible, which it was...but the massive cover up. Sorry....don't want to take this off topic but just felt the need to reply.
I split this topic from another forum because the topic of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church was introducing a new topic. The original discussion was in a Titles thread.
Not Catholic @Chrissy Cross. I am currently attending a Catholic Church, but have attended many different churches. For many years, I attended two different churches--two denominations--every weekend.
That's fine. I know I always go off topic. Anyway, some of the Catholic ladies that sat near me at the luncheon on Wednesday were discussing it a little and most thought that maybe the priests should be allowed to marry, so they can have sex. I don't know if that's the answer because normal sex and being a pedophile are two different things.
About ten years ago, when we were going through another huge media campaign against sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, there had been far more cases of sex abuse in the public schools, yet they were usually being reported locally. In other words, the media didn't gather them all together to make a sensation about sex abuse in the public schools. I don't know what the statistics are this time around but, in the most recent scandal, they are going back seventy years, I think, and including sex abuse cases that had already been reported, probably in order to inflate the numbers. I am not a Catholic, and surely this doesn't excuse the very real cases of abuse that have occurred, but keep in mind that an anti-Christian agenda is also in play here.
@Don Alaska I know it goes on in other establishments Don, the difference is I looked up to priests and Nuns I no longer do - they have been uncovered and their evil deeds go back so many years up to the present day
And like I said before....the ones that did the deed are guilty and so are all the ones that covered it up...that's what really gets my goat.
@Patsy Faye Ah, but see? Sin is to be forgiven, according to Catholic Doctrine.......but release from the mental torment and anguish of knowing one has sinned, must be accomplished via "confession" to only a bona-fide, clean and pure Agent of the Church. Frank
Sexual abuse occurs everywhere....in homes, at work, in schools, in Nursing homes, etc. and most unfortunately in Christian Churches. It's evil wherever it happens, but for some reason as a Christian I find it most upsetting that it happens in our Churches by the very Shepherds who are supposed to be taking care of God's sheep...instead of abusing them. It is my opinion that because the Catholic Church insists on celibacy for their Clergy, etc. that this does have some bearing on the problem of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. This is not Biblical doctrine but something decided by the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Yes, one can probably find sexual abuse within a Church of any denomination. But the difference is in the Catholic Church it is more sexual abuse of children and it has been covered up forever...or the parents paid off, etc. Having been raised a Catholic for many years of my life I have personally known of some of these cases of sexual abuse. The child was "groomed" to believe that doing what the sexual predator wanted was what God would want them to do. The damage done to these children "in the name of loving God" is horrible and has in my book left these children scarred for life. No money can bring healing to those who have been abused by the Clergy in the Catholic Church...or in any other denomination either in my opinion.
The Pope says he will address sex abuse scandal once he's finished talking about climate change. -- Babylon Bee Note: The Babylon Bee is satire.
Yes - if sin is to be forgiven, then they take up the post of Priest or Nun, knowing full well they will be protected of the abuse they dish out I detest everyone that lives a life of utter deceit