I have read the replies but have not moved yet. FYI here is the web site -http://www.oakmontoffresno.com/
I think that it is a beautiful place, and it looks like the apartments are spacious, and the food looks delicious. When to you get the cochlear ear transplant ? I know you said that yo were having that done before you moved. I found this little video that shows more of the Oakmont apartments.
Last evening I enjoyed a wonderful meal and the company of two table mates that are also residents of the Assisted Living facility where I live. They have a apartment down the hall from me.Despite my still poor hearing I was able to enjoy a delightful conversation with them. Jim is 98 years old and Sally is soon to be 84. They have been married for 70 plus years. Jim is a WW 2 Navy pilot from the state of Washington that flew fighter aircraft off air craft carriers. Sally was a nurse from Texas. Both are mobile, act and appear quite well. Neither is the care taker of the other and need NO assistance. They told me there are several other married couples living here with a similar story. The whole concept of TILL DEATH DO US PART and GROWING OLD TOGETHER hit our HOT BUTTON didn't it when we first fell in love and got married ? Very few ever have that opportunity and it's great to see it working.
Lon, How does the pricing work for a married couple in your facility? In this area, many of the upscale assisted living facilities do not have an extra charge for a couple sharing the same apartment even the food and laundry is included in the base price that a single person would pay. Two can live as cheap as one!
Good question and I will have to check into it and report back. Because I am single I never bothered to check.
I checked. There would be a $950.00 monthly SECONDARY PERSON FEE in addition to the $5,950.00 for the one person.
Thanks, Lon That's still a great deal. I better start looking around for a snuggle bunny to spend my golden years with!
I don't need a snuggle bunny @Lon Tanner I don't have financial worries. My kids are very generous. My snuggle bunny is my doxie.