Sending you healing thoughts @Babs Hunt I hope it's nothing serious, and you get the diagnosis soon, waiting can be a very anxious time as @Don Alaska said.
Horrible time for you Babs - its the 'not knowing' and waiting, be strong and find distraction while you wait I've been through that time without family just me darlin', so look to those around you for strength and distraction Will be sending positive thoughts your way
@Babs Hunt ...I read your post last night and said a prayer for you right then. Do try your best not to focus on that, but stay busy as possible. We all are here for you no matter what the outcome.
Saw my Primary Doctor yesterday...she's sending me to the Breast Center for diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I'm waiting for them to call me to schedule an appointment. That's where things stand right now.
@Babs Hunt It is certainly probable you have little to fear. My wife has found numerous lumps during her entire adult lifetime. About 30 years ago one doctor ordered a needle biopsy done. The biopsy was negative, as expected. Since then she has had a mammogram done annually, never any interpretation indicating malignancy. Nonetheless our thoughts are with you, and favorable. Frank
I went to my Primary Doctor by myself but one of my daughters who have careers in the medical field will take me for the diagnostic tests. It's better not to drive when dealing with least for me.
Hang in there, Babs. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. A few years back, I was scheduled for a needle aspiration after a scary mammogram. By the time I got to the specialist for the procedure, the cyst had disappeared. So these things are common and usually turn out to be nothing... but the waiting and worrying are awful.
@Beth Gallagher How true this is, regarding cysts. My wife has been troubled with them all her life. Needle biopsy done once, many years ago. The cysts come and go a lot..... Frank
Today I found out I do have breast cancer. Monday at 9:30am they will take some biopsy tissue and once they check that out I will know more about what I am facing. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.
OMG...I'm so sorry Babs, you must be sick to your stomach with fear!! ..however I didn't know they could detect breast cancer without first testing the cells from the Biopsy sample.. ....