There are a few things here I fail to understand. First, the theme in general seems to be mockery of a new "political hopeful", expectance (perhaps accurately so) of her failing to become what the country really needs: people dedicated to the country itself and it's people, rather than the status-quo self-serving direction followed by most of Washington. Second, they need to be less staunchly party-affiliated; I get that in my head possibly because I myself am not at all; I simply hate political parties. Frank
@Bob Kirk I believe it was more like pass it so WE can find out what's in it. IOW, she fully supports pushing into law something which might turn out to be supremely corrupt. Frank
Well, boys and girls I've had my fun. I give you Ms Ocaico-Cortez. I've had enough fun with her. You may have her to discuss. Remember, you wouldn't want to say anuthing you'd not want to say in sunday school or a church service. She's an elected representative just like the good old boy from your neighborhood or district. I expect the district that electric this woman expects her to represent them. I just returned from the library. I have one book I have read before. It is the story of a Brain Scientist's Personal Journey entitled, "My Stroke of Insight." I have more interest now that I know someone lying in bed twenty-four hours a day, because of stroke. I hope to gain some new insight. Sometime when you open a book it is like beginning your own journey. I have five journeys to to embark on and complete, It will take me days to complete each journey. I hope to profit from each trip. I hope to see you all again upon my return.
I find no definition listed for "apolexic". Much less one having the further legitimacy question tacked on! It's "apoplectic". Frank
I took P R's word to be a reference to apoplexia (ap?o-plek'se-a)[Gr.apoplektikos,crippledbyastroke+-ia] Apoplexy. apoplexia uteri Sudden hemorrhage from the uterus. Maybe that is why P R is taking so long to provide the list of apolexic ole bastards.
@Bob Kirk Sometimes my having a bit of fun, that is, being facetious, turns out interpreted as nit-picking. Sorry! Frank
It' isn't about nitpicking correct spelling, it's about posts that condemn a whole group of people and no backup of the condemnation. Almost like saying all white men are privileged. There seems to be from the left a common theme of condemning white senior men as the source of all problems. Using AOC as a shining example of progressive thinking to improve perceived wrongs doesn't sit well with me.
@Bob Kirk My "spelling correction" as far as I can tell, had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with AOC herself, did it? Thus, i called my remark nit-picking, referring to myself: I hope you understand that.......... In deciphering your final sentence, best I can come up with is that you dislike AOC? Frank
I did understand your response was about the word P R used. I asked P S to humor me by producing a list of those apolexic ole bastards will take longer. Your post corrected the spelling. Then my post was as close to the spelling of the word P R used. I posted that description which gave me the clue why no post of a list of apolexic ole bastards. from my post I took P R's word to be a reference to apoplexia (ap?o-plek'se-a)[Gr.apoplektikos,crippledbyastroke+-ia] Apoplexy. apoplexia uteri Sudden hemorrhage from the uterus. Not likely to stroke out by AOC's position on things that won't be passed, the only thing left would be. Sudden hemorrhage from the uterus. <--------the clue As for AOC AOC as another human being I have no animosity towards. Her politics & backing I do. She identifies herself as a progressive or more bluntly a liberal progressive. A combination that fits what Soros would like to have in place to advance the decline of the America that I've enjoyed all my life.
@Bob Kirk " AOC as another human being I have no animosity towards. Her politics & backing I do." We differ in our personal philosophies. I regard a human being, let's say, about to cause me or others immediate or future harm as a threat: threats absolutely warrant animosity. For example, an individual about to inflict bodily harm upon me no longer compels compassion for that human being. Whether AOC proves to be a threat or not remains an unknown: my crystal ball is just as cloudy as any other's. Frank
I separate politics from her as a person. I think she is a puppet of her backers hence "Her politics & backing I do."I don't view her as having mal intent. She could honestly believe what she talks about as being good for America. Her ability to cause harm would have to be as laws generated by congress and signed into law. Using your analogy the entire system that approves the harm would no longer deserve compassion.