I used to live and work in a small town / city called Carefree, Arizona. Street names like Easy Street and Ho Hum Dr. are just an example of the way things are there. Dick Van Dyke and Amanda Blake are just two of the “celebrities” who made their home there.
There are other streets with names like Wampum Way and Dollar Drive and if I’m not mistaken (a lot of years ago) there’s also another street called “Slow n’ Easy”. A link of some of the other street signs found in Carefree......... https://www.bing.com/images/search?...D7743DFF82ABE9F41817ECF9A76EC661A&FORM=IQFRBA
Love it even more ! Had to giggle when I read this notice - I took it as 'slow' Church Services, you know like tired - hum drum
In a retirement community I once toured, there was the intersection of Damifino Lane and Damificare Boulevard. (You really have to say them out loud.)