Damaged Oa Knee Is Somewhat Improving

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Joy Martin, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    My right knee became more messed up and damaged with Hip Replacement in 2010. It's been thru so much in going on 9 yrs and many years of OA prior to the hip job.

    I've been doing therapies for the knee, ALMOST giving in to knee replacement in recent years and so glad I didn't do that. I've heard horror stories and of course there are good stories, but a real gamble.

    Since using a homeopathic HGH gel now into 8 months my knee has improved, less pain and more flexibility -- still have stiffness but improvement.

    And since the HGH gel, I've been able to cut my 2 ibuprofen every 6 hrs to 1 every 6 hours. This is big in my life and the HGH gel is worth every penny I spend for it.

    There is so much info on HGH products and so much information and it's so neglected in our population as far as aging and damage to our bodies.

    There are literally 100's of studies and research on HGH decline as we are aging and this is a very recent one that says it all.

    Bess Barber and Hedi Mitchell like this.
  2. Emma Smith

    Emma Smith Veteran Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Glad you're finding some relief.

    I was having a lot of knee pain for several months. Usually, it doesn't continue for such a long time, for me, and this was the first time I had pain with stiffness. I thought it might be permanent. I tried several several different home remedies, daily, for weeks, and in the last few weeks, it has stopped.
    Bess Barber and Frank Sanoica like this.
  3. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    If I could re-do the last 10 yrs I'd do different things as I know what I live with now. My right knee started to crack and creek at 57 and I'm 81, hip replacement messed my whole body including the knee.

    Don't be quick to go to a surgeon's knife.
  4. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Joy Martin
    My MIL finally gave in after years of hip pain and barely being able to walk, and went for replacement. Days after the surgery, she continued to have excruciating pain. Carefully analyzing X-rays revealed the surgeon had cracked her Femur, thigh bone, driving the implant in. He opened it up, removed the implant, then closed, and she had the leg immobilized for weeks, unable to get out of bed. Then, he implanted another. She followed through with the therapy, went home, and a month later fell in the living room, breaking the good hip!

    My MIL is the only woman having three hip replacements! The surgeon while performing the operations knew at the time he had terminal cancer, and died not long after the final surgery.
    Bess Barber likes this.
  5. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    The generation of my mom/dad's time and they would be in 100's now, all lived pretty long lives, limping and using walkers and NEVER any joint replacements, they did not have that surgery back then. So I've had a hip replacement at 72 and here I am in early 80's using a walker and went thru the misery of the surgery and all the complications I live with.

    I've been to many joint replacement groups and the STORIES, omg some so tragic. Some ended up in wheelchairs with replacements. grrrrrrr

    The body does not like to be cut. An MD here in our town and he was going to be a surgeon but after a botched shoulder surgery, changed his path, and went to Prolo and PRP and Stem Cells, says once cut the OA sets in the body.

    I have shoulder issues but live with them. No surgery going to happen.
    Frank Sanoica and Bess Barber like this.
  6. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jun 8, 2019
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    I'm certainly not a healthy food nut, but I was having a lot of hip pain. Once I had to completely change my diet due to diabetes, it went away. So, it made me wonder if some of our joint pains aren't necessarily age or a medically related problem, but simply due the foods we eat. Too much sugar and sodium.
    Yvonne Smith and Frank Sanoica like this.
  7. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    That could have been answer for you, Bess, and for most of my early life I ate a lot of sugary and carb stuff and danced my way thru life and believe these are issues for OA...and my mother's side of family all had OA.

    I do NOT eat breads and have not had pasta in decades.. Keep a LOW carb and sugar diet NOW.

    But I live with so much more OA since hip replacement in 2010...
    Bess Barber and Frank Sanoica like this.
  8. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Well, it's closing in on 9 months with the HGH gel and damaged knee is still doing good, maybe somewhat better and NO thoughts of knee replacement. Goal is NO MORE SURGERIES.
    Frank Sanoica and Bess Barber like this.
  9. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jun 8, 2019
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    I'm glad you were able to avoid surgery. Operations aren't always a cure, sometimes they just lead to additional problems.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  10. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    I believe this is just about Gospel. I live with over 9 yrs of major complications/damage from hip replacement which caused the knee mess.

    When I read people talking about their "great" replacement stories, I think just wait, "stuff" and complications can and do happen down the road. Plastic and Metal and bolts/nuts are not normal unless keeping us alive then those do happen.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  11. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    I know things for me are improving as yesterday a friend called me at 3PM and asked me how spontaneous I am for going out for Sushi.....I thought about it for a minute and said I can do it....she was outside picking me up at about 3:15 and we were off for sushi walker and all. A while ago I could/would not have been able or willing to do on the spur of the moment....I have to plan my "trips" out for a few days at least....this was 15 minutes yesterday. Sushi was great and we sure got a lot of laughs about this and my friend was "in shock" that I did it as I did. HGH is doing it.

    This spur of the moment thing was a FIRST in my 81 yrs I can say.

    And we discussed some political stuff too and we are in agreement in this area of our lives.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  12. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    I am unable to pump up friend that knee replacements will be the answer to her knee miseries.

    I say to her the only way you'll know is when you do them.....and I wish the best outcomes for you. she is 72 and is not ready to stop going and doing what she does and thinks she will be better if she has 2 artificial knees to continue.

    She knows my issues from hip replacement and my near crippled life but she said she talked to friends who said it was the best thing they did, 2 knee replacements. She probably talked to a couple people...1000's get these replacemets. The 5 or 6 I talked to said they .loved their hip replacement...wonder what they are thinking today, 12 yrs or so later when I talked to them.

    She's got the money but won't go forward with PRP injections as I know they do WORK and keep people from those major surgeries. She has in her mind that the replacements are her answer.

    Any of you members know of some knee replacement "failures", people have issues post surgery? I know a couple.

    Here is an online report of replacement problems.

  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I know 2 who have had knee replacements and have met a few others.

    One of the two I know of had both knees done at the same time. It’s a laughable thing in a way because before the surgery he was bow legged and shorter than I but after the replacements, he’s taller than I.
    About 4-5 months after the surgery he retired from his regular job and now teaches Yoga at the gym we go to.

    Another one is a neighbor of mine who is a mixed bag. Even after a couple of years post surgery, some days he’s hobbling around and using a cane whilst on other days, he’s out there pushing a lawnmower like he’s never had a knee problem.

    The others I have met and just know that they’ve had replacements (both knee and hip) are folks who workout at the gym. A couple have medical trainers who are doing follow-up physical therapy and a couple of others look like they are working out to maintain physical agility.

    Personally, I’d go out of my way NOT to have ANY kind of surgery done but that’s just me. I don’t even like blood tests let alone think of someone wielding a scalpel whilst saying “we’ll wake you up when it’s done”.

    It’s a derned if ya do and derned if ya don’t kind of thing but to me, if your friend needs advice, she should consult with a few doctors (not just one) before getting cut on.

    Note: Giving advice as a friend and not as a medical practitioner about something that could determine someone’s well being for life is dangerous at best.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
    Don Alaska likes this.
  14. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    oh thanks for the above, and my friend talks to many MD's and then does what she does, she's also out of a heart ablation "surgery" and deals with that too. From my point of view, she is in good shape compared to me, but she wants to be in better shape. She is bow legged as well, and talks about doing 2 replacements at one surgery.. She also comes from the Western Med world as she a non active RN, but keeps her license alive.

    And due to a fall about 4-5 months ago, broke a hip and still mending from a replacement.. So she has a lot on her plate...
  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    When my knees were so bad and the doctor did the X-ray and recommended knee replacement, the sports med surgeon said that because of my heart condition, it was not safe to do the knee replacement.
    This might also be true for your friend who had the heart ablation, @Joy Martin .
    What they did with me , was give me a cortisone shot, and said it would last anywhere from around 3 months to maybe a year.

    While the shot was stopping my knee from hurting so much and being so immobile, I started doing knee exercises because the doctor said that would help it.
    By the time that the cortisone shot had worn off, my knees were doing much better, and as long as I keep up the knee exercises, they are holding steady most of the time.
    Some days they are more stove up than others, but the weather and other things affect arthritis a lot, too, and overall, I am fine with how much better they are now than before i started the exercises.

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