Other Nations And Children’s Exercise

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Bobby Cole, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Japanese “aerobics” starts early......!!!
    Bess Barber and Patsy Faye like this.
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    And, whilst American kindergarten kids learn the niceties of eating a Happy Meal, Chinese kindergartener’s are........
    Bess Barber and Patsy Faye like this.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    One last one for now. A Chinese school principle introduces “shuffle dancing” to his students..
  4. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Some of the ideas from Japan and China and the culture, I like very much
    The videos above ……. well I think we should adopt this over here
    Bess Barber and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    To me, it was amazing to see the Chinese shuffle dancing especially since I would imagine that if Americans were doing the same thing, half the kids would be texting instead.
    Bess Barber and Patsy Faye like this.
  6. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Yea that was my point too - instead of tapping them fingers get out and shuffle !
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  7. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
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    Jun 8, 2019
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    No one get mad at me.
    I think they are performing amazingly.
    However, the idea of little kids that age being drilled day after day after day to achieve not only perfect steps, but in sync with a whole large group,
    just feels a wee bit creepy.
    North Korea is big into this concept as well.
    It LOOKS good, but for me, it FEELS bad.
    I hope that made sense.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    No harm. Most certainly if one peruses YouTube and looks for the Russian Rhythmic gym classes, it’s not only creepy but it should bring a tear to your eyes and hopefully, a little rage so, I do not advise it. To put it bluntly, they put those kids through hell.

    But, one of the reasons I brought up the subject of what other countries are teaching their kids for physical activity is so we can maybe compare U.S. and maybe even the U.K with other countries.
    I do a lot of surfing on YouTube and attend a lot of different free lectures but I also like to watch some videos from a country other than my own.
    It’s strange, but I really do not see a whole lot of overweight people in the whole of Eurasia and I really do not think it’s because they do not eat.
    I notice it because it isn’t that there are so few overweight kids in other countries, it’s because there are so many in the U.S.

    In some cities and states in the U.S., things like monkey bars and balls for playing kick ball and other equipment are no longer allowed on a playground. I don’t know but I wouldn’t be surprised if “Jacks” were no longer played because of the pointy aspects of the jacks.
    On the other side of what ISN’T available on a playground to be used with physical activity, outdoor recess in some cities has been banned so the kids can get in another class or so.

    Not to get long winded (wrinded?) about it but yeah, in it’s very essence, it seems to be a bit military the way the kids depicted in the videos are exercising but they’re fit and hopefully physical fitness will become a habit with them rather than a chore.
    In our generation, we were given the free time to go out and “play” and to exercise our young bodies but today, it just doesn’t seem as though families and the schools believe it to be that important hence a lot of lazy and overweight kids are slipping through the cracks.

    Here’s a link to possibly put things into a better prospective of what I am trying to so clumsily annoy others with...
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  9. Jerry Adams

    Jerry Adams Veteran Member

    Mar 11, 2019
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    Seems like we don't let kids be kids any more.
  10. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Bess Barber - Agree to a good extent of what you say above as I've watched so many programmes on their culture.
    But - I think places like Russia have different reasons and not so good ones at that
    I saw one programme where our 'wayward' children went over to experience the Asian way of life in their schools
    The Asians were focused on work and didn't understand our slovenly ways and lack of forward thinking
    When I and my parents were kids, we worked too, to help our parents who were poor of course. This upbringing
    stood us in good preparation for life ahead and work being a natural course of events. Don't see that way of thinking
    now, sadly. Our culture now is crime :(
    So, although it may look harsh to us, I have seen the other side - the children are happy. The biggest downside I have
    seen, is when children are chosen as athletes - this was hard to watch.
    I have also seen similar though in Western culture where parents 'push' their daughters relentlessly into pageants
    Beth Gallagher and Bobby Cole like this.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I thought about the regimented form of exercise that other countries employ regarding the kids and then it hit me that we aren’t so different in a couple aspects.
    Whilst it might not be counted as exercise, being a member of a marching band, drum and bugle corps or even the cheer leading squad is highly regimented. If we think about it there are probably more things (like Patsy’s beauty pageant example) that our kids are involved in that make some pretty high demands.
    All that written, those things are pretty much considered elective which according to some resources, even gym class in the U.S. is also pretty much elective instead of being mandatory as it was in our earlier educational history.

    I kind of understand the way China and Japan “train” their children because the corporate worlds of both countries are essentially the same way.
    In Japan for example, many companies make it mandatory for their employees to exercise before actually going to work. Some companies have gyms and areas with tread mills whereby the employees, as part of the “family” have to use on a daily basis.
    And, I guess the other reason I understand it is that I was personally never treated as a child and the full concept of play time wasn’t a part of my earlier life. In essence, I was trained to take everything seriously so I never “played” at anything and still do not. Using a loose meaning of the word playful, I can be playful, but I do not play.

    Yes, I agree that children should indeed be allowed to play, but isn’t handing a kid a computer to play games on and an instrument to text and talk on counterproductive to that? It might be having fun and even called playing but it isn’t exercise.
    Where should the line be drawn between regimentation and the non-existence of exercise? I most certainly do not know but it would seem that even the close order drill like exercise is far better than a bunch of pills and jamming a needle into a kid to keep him or her healthy.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  12. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Its a great idea, sets you up for the day ahead instead of starting work sluggish
    Doesn't take much thought to come up with these ideas and well worth it
    The older generation do their Tai Chi in the park each day, also great and I love their sense of community
    Bobby Cole likes this.

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