Ionic Foot Detox Bath

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Yvonne Smith, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    One of my friends on facebook posted an amazing picture of his feet after using something called a RIFE machine, and then an ionic foot detox bath.
    He said that when he started, the water was clear, and the picture that he posted of his feet in the foot bath afterwards was almost horrifying, to see what all toxins had come out of his body.
    He had a lot of comments on his post, and several other friends of his had also used the ionic foot detox with similar success.
    The basic idea is that it removes poisons , bacteria, heavy metals, and chemicals from our body through the feet.
    When I looked it up online, people who have never done it say that it is a hoax and is the result of the little metal in the water mixing with the salt that is added to the water and causing rust.
    However, the different videos and pictures show a variety of different results, and the people who have used it pretty much believe that it works.
    I am going to do further investigation, and am definitely thinking about getting one from Amazon; but I wondered if anyone here has heard of , or tried, one of these foot detox units ?

    Bess Barber likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I'm forever a skeptic about this sort of thing, Yvonne. For one thing, I don't believe my body is "full of toxins." Plus it bothers me to see that cord (electrical?) going into that water. :D
    Shirley Martin and Bess Barber like this.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was looking at that electrical cord, too, but it is apparently safe. I remembered that my mom always had electric aerators in her fish aquariums, and they didn’t electrocute any of the fish, so it is probably not any more dangerous than a water pump would be. If a friend had not posted the picture of what happened with his feet, I would have been a lot more skeptical of this myself.
    Even the cheapest ones are around $100, which for me is a lot of money to spend, so I am definitely going to do more research before buying one.
    Next month I will have another $50 gift card from my Humana Advantage plan, so that will help towards purchasing one, if I decide that it is a genuine item that will help my body.
    Here is the picture that Rob posted of his feet after the detox soak. Different colors mean the toxins come from different parts of the body, according to the chart in the video I just linked to .

  4. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  5. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    We bought a Pibbs Industries Pedi Bath w/Massager (FM3830A) a couple of years ago. We mix, in a pitcher of warm water, some Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Foot Soak w/Cooling Peppermint. It's wonderful!!!
    Bess Barber likes this.
  6. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
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    Jun 8, 2019
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    If people bathe, eat relatively well and don't do drugs, I'm not sure I understand where the toxins would come from or if a normal amount would even matter. They can sell anything and say it actually does something and how would you know? How would one figure out if all the toxins were gone? However, I'm known to be overly skeptical.
  7. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There is a holistic doctor that is near the fitness center where we go almost every day, and one of the friends that we have there was (coincidentally) telling Bobby about getting one of the ionic foot detox soaks.
    He said it costs about $25 for a procedure, so I thought that it makes sense to spend $25 first and see what it does, (and if I think that it helps me) before I look at spending money to purchase one .
    Bobby said that if I am going to do it, then he might as well try it , too; so next week we will see about making an appointment with the doctor and getting the detox footbath.
    I will take pictures and report back after we try this out.

    I did read the article that you quoted, @Beth Gallagher , and others that are similar. From what I can tell, the water does change color somewhat just from the chemical reaction; however if a person is releasing toxins, there will be more of a thicker “goo” (for want of a better descriptive word) that is in the water that is not there when no one’s feet are in the tub.
    Any of the reports that I read from someone who had actually done this procedure, seemed to believe that it works and helped them.
    Bess Barber likes this.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    So, today, Bobby and I went to the local holistic doctor here that does the ionic detox footbaths. It was an interesting experience, and I spent a half hour looking at the tub my feet were in , and also took some pictures.
    When we started, it was just plain water, and immediately started pulling brown stuff out of our feet. Within the first 10 minutes, we couldn’t even see our feet underneath all of the gunk that was coming out.
    Mine was a redder color than Bobby’s was, and his was like a dark chocolate color afterwards. We are definitely going to think about getting one of these for home use !


    This is mine after about 10 minutes.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
    Bobby Cole and Bess Barber like this.
  9. Emma Smith

    Emma Smith Veteran Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Did you feel any different?
  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that my knee feels better, and I do feel maybe more energized than I did before . I think that it would take more than one time of doing a detox to notice a lot of difference, but I am impressed with how much stuff came out. I swim for my exercise, so I don’t usually sweat toxins out like many people who do physical exercise, but on the other hand, I do try to live and eat pretty healthy, so maybe do not get all of the toxins that would come from unhealthy living.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
    Bess Barber and Emma Smith like this.
  11. Bess Barber

    Bess Barber Veteran Member
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    Jun 8, 2019
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    @Yvonne Smith I'm glad you felt like the experience was worth while. I really don't know that much about toxins. I thought they were microscopic impurities, not a visual brown mess. :)
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  12. Ruby Begonia

    Ruby Begonia Supreme Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith , please have some of that "goo" sent to an independent lab for analysis. You choose the lab, not them. In fact, don't tell them you are even doing it.

    Have another session, bag a sample, and send it to the lab. You can ask your medical doc for the name of one or look online.

    Please consider this for your own peace of mind. Words like, "I think", "maybe", "seems" are to vague for comfort, IMO, anyway.:)
  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Thank you or the concern, @Ruby Begonia ! If we were going to sign up for this as a full program, then we would not do that until we had investigated it a lot more. The pictures that they show of test trials with no feet do change color, but they are nothing like what we saw with our session today.
    Bobby’s footbath turned out a completely different color than mine did, and that means that there had to be something different than just rusting metal from the ion charger.
    What i will do now is spend the time to educate myself on this better, reading the good reviews and reports, as well as the bad ones. If we decide that it is actually helpful, then we will probably buy either a cheap one from Amazon or maybe a used one on ebay so we can use it at home as often as we want to.
    This is a picture of how Bobby’s footbath detox turned out, and you can see that it looks totally different from what mine looked like.

  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Just to follow up on this thread, I wanted to say that Bobby and I got one of the foot detox units, and we have been using it at home. It is incredible what it can pull out of our bodies through our feet !
    The unit we got was from Amazon, and was one of the cheaper ones, just over $100; but when I looked at the video that chose the 10 best ones for 2019, this one was in 2nd place.
    The one in 1st place probably cost a good $500+, so I was impressed that this one rated so well on the chart.

    The unit we are using here puts out about the same colors of sludge as the one we paid for at the doctor’s office. Bobby’s comes out almost black, and mine is reddish brown, so they are both detoxing from different organs of the body (although they work anywhere that we have accumulated heavy metals or toxins).
    I have never been a smoker, but I have been around people who smoked almost all of my life, so I am sure that it is getting it some of the 2nd hand smoke from my lungs, too. It seems like I am breathing better.

    I have to check with my doctor because I am not sure if I will still be able to use the detox machine once I have the pacemaker. It is okay with the little Loop heart monitor, so hopefully, it might be okay with the pacemaker, too.

    It looks like Poodle wants to try the foot detox, too.........


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