There are those on this earth that will strip you of all your self worth so far down, you can feel the heat from below.......There are those on this earth that will make you feel of such great worth, you can feel the love from above.
To remain true to yourself while others are constantly trying to change you is the greatest achievement. Emerson
I also like, Live each day as though it were your last; one day it will be. Preacher Roe, Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher.
I think this gets easier as we get older. I wish I would've been as happy being who I was and how I looked when I was in my 20's and 30's as I am today. I wasted so much time trying to be what I thought everyone wanted me to be. I think we all go through that during our lifetime.
Good morning Micki - another good 'un @Micki Pembroke We posted at the same time but they're 'both' good