@Lois Winters Oh No Lois. . Wasn't expecting your news of your health, so sorry. I hope for much more quality time for you. If i have a choice of you been taken or left, much wanting you to be left and live more life with your family and friends.
Well, Micki, we have no idea as to how long I've had these nodes as they were discovered quite by accident. I had a fall and just to make sure there were no broken bones in my upper chest and spine, I had a cat scan a few months ago and that's how they were found. Now, I have many of the old age problems such as arthritis, neuropathy, spinal stenosis, and the like. But, one would never know it as I am active and mobile. I do live with pain daily, but have learned to live with it. I exhibited no symptoms of anything in my chest and despite having been a heavy smoker, never even developed a smoker's cough. Slight COPD, but anyone living in the New York area is subject to that. I have non smoker friends who are on oxygen daily. Sooooo, whatever the reason for a sudden change with some cavitation of the nodes and increased chest pain, it is what it is. I've had a good life with many ups and downs of course. There is just my son and myself left. He's only 53, newly widowed, and young enough to have a very full life ahead of him. I will take each day as it comes and deal with it. Right now I feel pretty good and am going out to lunch after my doctor's visit and have a cocktail or 2 with it. I am enjoying my life and I thank you for your concern. I'll be OK.
Back from the pulmonologist and he ordered another cat scan of my lungs. The one node on the right is what we are watching. If is is enlarged in any way, it will be taken out before it can compromise my lung, since I am otherwise symptom free. He said for age 86, that I am in fabulous shape. Ho,ho,ho. All right says he, so your arthritis hurts. Take some pills or a drink or two and you'll feel better. He's a young guy, but really sharp. So, that's the story. Had a lovely lunch with my son and now am back here to annoy you all.
I guess I've lived so long and in so many places, met so many different people, received a marvelous education, and just enjoy this big wide world we live in, Micki, it has helped me to develop into who I am today. I wasn't always ready to take on whatever was dealt me and made a lot of people, including myself rather unhappy at times. I do try to avoid this today, but there are times when I find it impossible to let certain things go unsaid. As for my personal health, well, it warmed up to 60 degrees this morning and I feel fine. Go figure.