Greetings to you all. Went to heart doctor this morning as i have been having some issues. LOL my husband went in with me and and that helped as he and the doctor hit it off well. The doctor was much more approachable and even in good humor. He is making the making some changes in my medicine and wants me to have an echo cardiogram and another test done to rule out blockage in my left arm. The reason is my bp is very low now on side side and more than 25 points higher on the right.Yikes.. I am hoping these changes will get rid of fatigue for one thing, so I can do my daily things Oddly enough today I got up feeling better than normal and have done well all day. Makes me wonder ifI am really sick ? Today is my Peak. No real Pit today, but yesterday, found out I have to go to a specialist for a dang tooth issue. Do not have any dental insurance but come Jan. am suppose to have a little. Regardless that is a big Pit fer me. Hope all is well with you all. P>S>have joined a COPD site that has been more informative than any doctor!
@Gloria Mitchell So happy for you, in that you got answers, and that your husband took part in your appointment, so he knows what you're experiencing, being there for support, sometimes more than two ears help. Hope things venture positive for you, you have a lot of get up and going to do yet. frustrating is the high cost of dental work, expensive here if you're not on insurance as well, had been on insurance for a few years through a job, not now, and to get insurance for myself doesn't make sense, deductible is too high. Hope you catch the road on feeling better.
The peak of my day is that I am almost finished cooking my chicken, sausage, and okra gumbo and earlier finished cooking chili with beans and some spaghetti with ground meat and smoked sausage that my Honey loves. It's been a while since I have felt like cooking anything more than the simplest meals. We are going to have temperatures in the 30's starting tonight and what I have cooked this morning will be wonderful during this cold spell. My pit is I have not finished my Christmas shopping...but my daughter is coming to get me in the morning and we are both hoping to finish getting the things that are still on our list.
Pit: Nothing that I haven't already complained about...…...LOL Peak: With both humidifiers going, our indoor humidity is staying pretty much at 30 percent. Cleaned both this morning and finishing doing laundry. Got clean linens out to change bed later today.
Peak :....super news concerning my husbands' job which I can't reveal here but it's a BIG peak!! peak :.. went out with old friends of mine from work tonight for a Christmas catch up drink.. and invited to a party in the next county for Sunday night, I'm not sure if we'll go to that tho' I'm not a house party type of person... Pit :... rained hard all day, miserable weather we're having during Christmas shopping week..I want it to be snowing and all festive, ...
Pit Judy told me last night that she didn't want to go to our daughter's wedding. I reminded her that Debbie died almost 5 years ago.
I'm sorry to hear that, Al. It must be difficult for you. I'll keep you two in my thoughts and prayers.
Pit: Nothing that I can think of. Peak: Found a forum for "horse people" online, however will definitely stay with this forum also. I don't own a horse anymore, but there could be chance that I could contribute in some ways. I still know a whole enough about horses. Found out that there is another Cowboy Church Service in the area. They even have a roping area next to the church where they practice, both on the ground and on horseback, during summer months after the Sunday Service. Interesting, but will see.
Peak of my day was finishing my Christmas shopping while spending time with my youngest daughter! No pit today.