Just as an FYI, the drivers she’s writing about are not actual mechanical parts. They’re nothing but a program full of 1’s, 0’s, slash marks, etc which enable another program to function. Kinda like a car. The car itself, like a device such as a sound card or DVD player, is no good without a driver to run it.
You aren't stupid. You are just trying to figure out a new operating system. Good thing you have good friends on here who are able to help.
A Geek Squad technician restored my non-functioning Disc Drive (which HP calls an "Optical Drive") in just over 2 minutes this morning! He also installed an icon on my task bar to address the drive. It was all paid for under my Total Technical Support plan. Shown is my 65th Birthday Party, on July 11, 2001 (I'm standing with Judy) Harry
I'm glad you were able to get the help you needed!! Were they also able to answer some of the other questions you had? Nice party!! I don't think I've had a birthday party since I was in high school. My birthday is in January, maybe I'll make a plan.
No, Bess...I forgot what other questions I had, but I sure was happy to learn how to address my disc drive...Mazel Tov! Hal
Replaced color printing cartridge because images were being printed in monochrome. (Black & White.) New cartridge still not printing in color. Hal