I see golf only if it's intruding on some other program that I'm wait to see. BTW did Judy hit you with a pan for forgetting Valentines Day????
Somewhere between watching paint dry and waiting for concrete to set...….. Watching golf IS, however, a good way to calm down after watching an exciting curling match (now THERE'S an oxymoron if I ever heard one.....using "exciting" and "curling" in the same sentence.)
Curling is hardly in the same league as "action" sports, such as Chess or Dominoes. I think it's ridiculous to "sweep" ahead of the Stone as it moves on the ice. You don't sweep ahead of the Shuffleboard Puck! Hal
There's a lot of science involved in both golf and curling. . Think of it as a chance to be in awe of science. All the fancy electronic gadgets they use in golf now takes some of the fascination away. ..I prefer to see them toss a handful of grass in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. Golf tournaments have slowed down a lot since I was a kid. The players seem to be overthinking things.
I don't know if we should be discussing curling here. It looks like an awfully dangerous sport, and I wouldn't want to encourage anyone to get involved in something that's only going to get someone killed.
Haha. My daughter and son-in-law recently returned from Utah, where he participated in an annual curling competition!! (Every year in mid-January.) He's a member of a curling club so naturally I took the opportunity to ridicule him. They posted a video on Youtube of last year's event, which appeared to be more of a drinking contest so I think I finally see the attraction of curling.
Yes watching golf on TV is exciting. Nothing like watching a man or woman Tee up then hit a little white ball with a special stick.. Then walk to where the ball landed Tee up and hit the ball again. Always the hope that the ball will land in the hole on the 1st. attempt. With enough participants the excitement can go on for hours. Golf is on par with Nascar racing. Drivers line up behind a pace car following at a decent speed waiting for the green flag. Once the race starts the drivers race to the 1st. left turn. Continuing as fast as the can to the 2nd. left turn. Down the straight stretch jockeying for position until they reach the 3rd. left turn. Around that turn to then race to the 4th. left turn. Then down the straight stretch to begin the left turns again. Making left turns can go on for hours.