Exactly, Lois. Which is why I get the shivers when I hear parents of a 4 year old claiming he/she is "trans." Just disgusting and I wouldn't expect a good outcome for that poor child of "woke" parents. And to get back on topic (sorry for the thread drift!!), I'm hoping other states will follow Arizona's lead. We need a bit of sanity to return to this world.
It also bothered me when I saw Pete Buttigieg helping a 9 year old boy through his so called "gay" feelings. Young boys and girls to for that matter, have "hero" worship which often confuses them until puberty sets in. But to encourage it at that young age is simply ridiculous. Parents who do this or are allowing their kids to wait to choose their gender is nonsense. Come with me into a delivery room and I'll show you what gender you are when you are born. I don't know what has happened to the human race. My dear Mom would have said, "tis the rarified air we breathe I fear." From her lips to God's.
Could it be that Dad’s quit being “hero’s” to their sons and Mother’s mentors and good examples for their daughters? If boys are not given the proper attention and mentoring in preparation for becoming a man by their fathers, they will attach themselves to someone / anyone who will give them the attention and learning experiences they starve for be it a good teacher, a good coach, a psychopath, gang leader or even yes, someone whose sexual preferences deviate from his own biological center. In my opinion, if parents went back to being parents and teachers quit being liberal psychologists and went back to teaching the ABC’s, a whole lot of the mixed up crap we see today would be a non-existent.
Looks like a tranny "woman" weight lifter could be headed for the Olympics from New Zealand. How in the hell is this fair to actual female athletes? I won't be watching the Olympics ever again. Disgusting. A revision in Olympic qualification standards has set the stage for New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, a transgender woman, to qualify for the Tokyo Games, the New Zealand Olympic Committee announced Thursday. Hubbard would be the first transgender person to compete in the Olympics if she makes it. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/new-ze...ard-first-transgender-olympian-000916918.html
I think much of this is part of an attack on women as a group. Just as Blacks have been fooled into thinking they cannot take care of themselves without government assistance, girls are being told that "womanhood" does not contribute to society; they have to be like men. Girls are now being told from elementary school that they must be interested in STEM fields, since not many women are involved in those areas, regardless of what the girl is interested in. As the father of two daughters, I want them to have any opportunity they want. One of my daughters became an environment chemist and the other an historian, but both have been stay-at-home moms while their children were young. One now works for a sheriff's department and the other is into graphic design. The "transgender" crossover into women's sports is another aspect of this. I read a few years ago, that almost all state records for women's high school sports in the state of Connecticut were held by men who identified as women. I don't know if that situation has been remedied, but it has the effect of pushing women out of sports altogether. It is a total myth that men and women are the same. Even if a man has actually gone through the surgery to convert to a female form, the muscle organization and attachment is different, giving them distinct advantages in some sports. Even our brains are organized differently, and I have mentioned the "testosterone bath" issue in posts long ago. Women have always been the core of society. Removing them from that role leaves society without a foundation.
I do not understand the ruling about testosterone levels. Whilst a person’s testosterone level can determine one’s muscle mass it doesn’t necessarily determine muscle strength. My own muscles may be larger than some weight lifters but they certainly are not stronger. The chief thing about testosterone to a weight lifter is that it helps release calcium, a chief ingredient for muscle strength during training and a competition. So, what if someone doesn’t have enough calcium releasing testosterone? D3 is the chief metabolizing agent for calcium (and other minerals) so if the lady/gentleman in question needs a boost, theoretically he / she can take massive amounts of D3 which would be perfectly legal for the competition. Note: Many strongmen and bodybuilders alike cycle HgH, steroids and the like to increase their strength and mass weeks and months ahead of a competition. There’s nothing in the rules that I can see that says that the New Zealander cannot “train” with increased amounts of testosterone just that she / he has to be at a decreased level during competition.
Anyone else think God has the best sense of humor?? This transgender guy that's beat the women swimmers for example? One good thing I see is that he's proven men were made by God to be the stronger of the sexes and be in the lead, and, women's lib has gone too far?? Maybe some men think if you can't beat them join them??
. Replying to God's sense of humor. I have always held he has one and SEX proves it. The act, not man's trying to interpret it.
Years ago that "person" would be in a mental hospital. He should be competing against others like himself and not natural born women.
Personally, I’m of the opinion that God didn’t have anything to do with biological guys who want to be a woman and moreover, compete as one. I realize that there’s a lot on the line for the ladies such as scholarships and other perks for all their hard work but until they decide to get together and refuse to compete then this left wing so called progressive society will keep doing what it’s doing. The very fact that the dude in the picture bragged about how easy it was to win against the females is further proof of what his transgenderist mentality is all about. He can’t beat the guys so in order to win he has to compete with those who can’t possibly match up. In swimming, women have more drag and are not as strong as men so in my opinion again, the women should have refused to compete.
I am nobody to say this dude is mentally gone but, indeed, I ask myself why the "naturally born" women accept him as one of them?
I think standing up and refusing to compete is really the way to go. He can't very well compete with them if they won't play his game. I think they would come out ahead, and be able to take back their women's form of the sport!! Good post Bobby. For me, it all boils down to sin, not listening to God since the Garden. Christians are standing up more, coming out of the closet, but according to the bible, this is going to get a lot worse than things are now.
As of yet, I don’t think they’ve let the cat out of the bag so far as how accepting the other swimmers are of him. For instance, do they allow him to suit up in the lady’s locker room? If yes, then part of the responsibility for his rise in status is their own fault. I’m not advocating for violence mind you, but I’m actually a little surprised that some of the dads who helped their daughters get into sporting programs in hopes for a scholarship and helped finance their sporting choices haven’t tried to make some of the competing trans guys into girls.