Use Of A Mask

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Ken Anderson, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Some of you have gotten angry with me, and others, for making fun of the current fashion trend involving wearing a mask when you go outdoors. Maybe some of you sleep with them too, but I don't know that for a fact.

    Having been through training in the use of a mask as a paramedic, let me tell you that the type of mask that most people are wearing wouldn't do much to protect them from the Chinese virus that's going around, or any other virus. The way that they are typically used, wearing a mask is likely to do more harm than good. Oh, if you have the virus, a mask may serve some purpose in lessening your ability to pass it on to someone else, but it's unlikely to keep you from getting it. The correct mask, used correctly, might help, but that's not what I see with anyone wearing a mask.

    If you've watched any of the videos of police harassing people for daring to violate state mandates against attending church or going to parks, watch them again and pay attention to what the police are doing. Then consider they have been trained in the use of a mask.

    The fact that many of the first people to have contracted the virus here were doctors and nurses might suggest something, too.

    In the videos that I have seen, the police are all congregated in a group, in which only about half of them are wearing their masks, while others might have them pulled down over their chins or up on top of their heads so that they can talk to one another without muffled voices. Although they are there to enforce social distancing laws, they are not themselves social distancing.

    When they approach hapless victims of their enforcement, they invariably pull their masks down so that they can give these people a lecture on the importance of following the laws on social distancing. They have now exposed these people to whatever else anyone they have been in contact with during the course of their shift may have had. Again, these people have been trained in the use of a mask.

    As for those who haven't, I see them in the stores and walking along the street. Since masks are hard to come by, they don't have a large supply of disposable masks, which might actually be helpful. Instead, they have a mask that they or someone else has made for them, or they might actually have one that was commercially produced for this purpose, but they only have one.

    Because they only have one, although they may actually wash it each night, they reuse it throughout the day. When they are in their own homes or otherwise not near someone, they will reach up and pull it down over their chin, or remove it. Invariably, they will do so with their hands, grasping the mask in what might seem to be the most obvious place, which is where it covers the mouth, and they will pull it off or down over their chin, thus transferring whatever virus the mask might have protected them from onto their hands or otherwise spreading it around.

    Then, because people are human, at some point, those hands will come into contact with the nose, mouth, or eyes, thus transferring the virus into the body. Our governor, even while she was giving a press conference on the importance of not touching our eyes or face, periodically licked her fingers in order to turn the page in the notes that had been prepared for her. At one point, she coughed into her hands, then continued as before. Yeah, we laughed at her but that's a human thing to do.

    If you are wearing a mask and there actually is a virus around you to be protected from, that virus is likely to be on your mask. When you touch it, it is now on your hands. When you touch your face, you have made pointless the whole reason for wearing a mask, to begin with.

    Before putting on a mask, clean your hands with hand sanitizer or alcohol-based rub or wash them thoroughly with soap and water. When wearing a mask, there should be no gaps between your face and the mask. Do not touch the mask while you are wearing it. If you do, you should immediately clean your hands as before. Your mask should be replaced if it becomes damp, and you should never reuse a single-use disposable mask.

    To remove your mask, remove it from behind, without touching the front of the mask, and discard it immediately in a closed bin, then clean your hands, as before.

    There is no medical recommendation for wearing a non-disposable cloth mask but if you choose to do so, it would stand to reason that it should be washed between each use.

    Masks are only effective when they are used properly and in conjunction with frequent hand-washing. Keep in mind that if there is any purpose in wearing the mask at all, then it should be considered to be contaminated after each use and treated accordingly. Whatever surface you set your mask down on after wearing it should also be considered contaminated.

    If you had an endless supply of disposable masks so that you could don a new mask every time that you were going to possibly have contact with another person, that could be helpful, but I don't think that's realistic for most of us, who may be having a hard enough time just finding hand sanitizer.

    I don't wear a mask because I understand how they should be used and acknowledge that I don't have the discipline to do this correctly every time, and since the recent mask fad, I haven't seen anyone else using them correctly, and I laugh at the use of a mask because I'm basically an ass sometimes.

    Nevertheless, in the way that they are used, masks are little more than an emotional security blanket. That's my opinion, but I believe it to be accurate. If you feel safer wearing a mask, then wear one, but don't assume that everyone who isn't wearing one is uninformed or careless. I do try to limit my contact with other people, as I do during flu season, but I don't consider wearing a mask to be helpful to me.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  2. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    The mask I have was given to me by the Assisted Living staff here where I live.I am to wear it when I re-enter the facility after being gone.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Then do so. If by any chance, you were infected with the virus, it might reduce the chance that you would spread it to someone else, which is probably why they are asking you to do so. Your situation is different from most of us, though.
    Lois Winters likes this.
  4. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    A virus is a thing and not a cosmic ray. It can't go through things but comes in contact with them. Potentially it could get stuck to the mask and do the bearer no harm. That's my reasoning for having a homemade mask made of a hand towel. There are tufts on both sides so there is no straight path to my lower face. Sure, a virus can potentially go under or around the mask, but my overall risk has been diminished still. If everyone wore one instead of just you, a virus has twice the difficulty of causing harm. I think the government initially did not recommend masks to avoid giving the public a false sense of safety and then avoid social distancing. If now they do then they have to be useful to some degree. Nothing is perfect.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It will probably work well for you, Ed. Just as not wearing one will work well for those of us who don't.
  6. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    No offense to anyone on this subject.
    Everyone I know has an opinion on the Virus. Masks won't help or so many claim..
    I do agree must be worn correctly. For those of us in a high risk category you at least feel your making an effort to protect yourself and others.
    Then there is the gloves. Now I am getting response from nurses saying gloves are useless. Granted removal and disposal of gloves should be done correctly.
    Then there are the military folk who feel they are almost immune to the virus on account of their vaccines while in service.
    Then the religious feel that this is all God's doing and in the end if you live thru this you get rewarded.
    Well here is my thought No one knows does a damn thing for sure! It is a hit an miss situation. Staying put in your on place without vistors is your best bet.
    Am taking out me hearing aids :D
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    On the gloves, I am thinking that a virus is unlikely to pass through unbroken skin. So unless you have a wound on your hand, you probably don't need gloves if you can remember to wash your hands before touching your face. On the other hand, anything you touch could be contaminated too, but then, that would be true whether you were wearing gloves or not. It might make some sense to wear disposable gloves while shopping in the store if you dispose of them on the way out, but I see some people wearing them into their car, thus contaminating the door handles, steering wheel, or whatever else they touch. I haven't looked, but I am thinking disposable gloves might be hard to come by, too, these days. I don't know about it being God's doing, as I'd be more inclined to blame the Chinese lab in Wuhan.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This is supposed to be the information put out by Harris County in Texas. I know we have some Texas people here, even if they are not from Harris County , and I am hoping that they can enlighten the rest of us about what is the necessity of the banana, and how is it used for virus protection ?
    @Trevalius Guyus , @Gloria Mitchell ?
    (I am so sorry guys.....I just could not help posting this !)

  9. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Bobby Cole and Yvonne Smith like this.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Patsy Faye and Ken Anderson like this.
  12. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Typo of course :)
  13. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I've seen them with oranges and lettuce, but not bananas. Somehow I don't think you could breathe. o_O

  14. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Very informative Ken. A majority of the masks I see people wearing do not allow the user to breathe completely. Every two minutes they must release it to get a full breath. So surely you are no better off than the person that has gone maskless. The minority of mask wearers are using the one with the in built breathing device. I expect these are mainly for front line health workers who are more at risk. If I am wearing a mask I want it to be the one the doctor or nurse is wearing. Or is this misguided thinking..even tho this mask may allow greater breathing freedom.. is it actually safer given you are still breathing in possible infection germs.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  15. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Yeah someone in New England crashed her car after passing out from lack of oxygen, as she was wearing a mask while she was driving.
    John Nopales likes this.

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