Hal look up DMSO it comes in a liquid and gel it relieve pain within minutes. {horse liniment] but if it is good enough for million dollar horse I will use it
But, was it Full Spectrum (0.3% THC) or Isolate (no THC at all)? I'm trying the Full Spectrum for the first time. I'll let the forum know how it works for me.
I've already done the "asking" along with an x-ray of the shoulder that is giving me the most trouble. My Ortho surgeon showed me the osteoarthritis that is in the shoulder and said "from a medical standpoint, nothing can be done about this". I do have FROM (full-range-of-motion on both shoulders, but do have daily pain.........that is until I take an 800mg ibuprofen, put some CBD Deep Rub (500mg) and/or take my 50mg Tramadol.
Prednisone made my blood glucose sky-rocket. Had to stop the Prednisone and start taking Glipizide to get my blood sugar back in-check.
We both love potatoes and tomatoes of which are both "nightshade" foods and definitely contribute to arthritis pain, but............
@Martin Alonzo Very few materials find their way into the human bloodstream via route THROUGH the skin......that is why the skin is there, to PROTECT against entry of things potentially harmful to the individual, such as bacteria, other microbes, viruses, toxins, and so forth. A FEW materials are absorbed directly into the skin, and enter the bloodstream. One of them is DMSO, Dimethylsulfoxide, a solvent capable of dissolving a variety of medicinal materials, which it can carry with it through the skin, into the system. Materials having very low vapor pressure, such as solids like metals, powders, and the like, INCLUDING COPPER, ALUMINUM, IRON, ZINC, etc., cannot be absorbed through the skin. Thus, I believe wearing trinketry made of copper, for example, MAY be beneficial, but only to the extent of self-esteem. Curative? Ludicrous. Now, radioactive substances present another consideration........Taking copper as an example, only two isotopes occur in nature, both stable, non-radioactive, Cu63 and Cu65. A veritable host of isotopes have been artificially made; some are used beneficially in medical scanning, notably PET scans. Frank
Thankfully I don't have osteoarthritis (that I am aware of). I expect I will at some point since my mother had it in her hands and my sister has it in her hip. I did have a gout attack a couple of years ago in my big toe joint; at that time I learned that gout is a type of arthritis but it's not a constant thing, thank goodness.
Well, because you can't patent chicken cartilage, and they convinced the US Patent Office that they were using a drug to do this study, and they actually got a use-patent on chicken cartilage. And you, too, for $3500 a month, can get Harvard Medical School's chicken cartilage in a capsule for arthritis.
If you told your doctor you had "painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints" and he told you had arthritis he did not diagnosis you he just translated that to Latin.
Ok, here is an update of the CBD Oil Full Spectrum that I order and am now using: Have to be careful about how much to use! I don't use a full eye dropper of it. I use between 1/4 and 1/2. Even that can make my head a little fuzzy, but does make my shoulder pain stop. Remember, the Full Spectrum does contain 0.03% THC. That is very, very little THC, but still, it is THC and even that little bit can make a head feel a little fuzzy. Another thing, that "between 1/4 and 1/2" isn't enough to stop my shoulder pain for the entire 24 hours. Around 2 PM or so, I have to do another eye dropper of 1/4 to 1/2. I will know, later, if I will ever get the Full Spectrum again, but for now, I think I'll try the Isolate next time.