Has The Virus Changed Your Lifestyle?

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Hal Pollner, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Given your last post and the meme you ended it with, I'd like to think you were joking but I suspect you weren't.

    So anyone with an opinion that differs from the one you chose to adopt is stupid?

    That's a strawman argument. You are arguing against a position that no one here holds. No one here believes the virus doesn't exist.

    Anyone who assumes a position that differs from yours is not only stupid but uncaring.

    Your opinion is not respected unless we agree with it. It is selfish not to agree with you.

    Unless we agree with you, we are insane, selfish, and hypocritical.

    Nothing. No one here has said you couldn't wear a mask if it makes you feel better about yourself.

    In an ideal world, anyone who disagrees with you will be fined.

    Anyone who disagrees with you is not in his right mind, and no one should have the right to disagree with you.

    It's unthoughtful and careless not to agree with you.

    There is no place in this country for anyone who disagrees with you.

    Yeah, you might consider that.
    Al Amoling likes this.
  2. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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  3. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    I was just going to go thru this thread to find out where she'd been criticized for her opinion.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I believe that wearing a copper bracelet will prevent you from contracting or transmitting the virus, so you all need to run out and buy a copper bracelet.

    They're not that expensive, for God's sake!

    What does it hurt?

    What have you got to lose?

    Don't you care about others?

    If it saves even one life, ...

    Shame on you for not wearing a copper bracelet. If you care more about your own fashion sense, you should leave the country.

    However, I'm a reasonable man, so I'll give you options. There is some evidence that wearing a TRUMP 2020 button will have a similar effect, or you can place a TRUMP-PENCE 2020 bumper sticker on your car. That should work too.

    I can't state, with certainty, that the TRUMP 2020 button will have the same prophylactic effect as a copper bracelet because the science isn't in yet on that one, although there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence suggesting that far more Democrats than Republicans have tested positive for COVID-19, or know people who have tested positive for COVID-19. However, if I can find two more scientists who agree, we can accurately state that two out of three scientists agree. That is assuming that I'll be able to find one who disagrees.
  5. Maggie Mae

    Maggie Mae Veteran Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Ken I would like to respond to your questions, concerns and comments etc to clear up any confusion

    There was a time when You and I had a discussion about the masks and I was telling you why I wear one and that I was hoping you don't get the virus because you choose not to wear one - which is your right. You made it very clear how you deal with this pandemic as did I and we did not agree .. in fact if I recall correctly the only we actually agreed on was coming here is a good thing ! And that was the extent of a decent discussion. I never came back and picked apart every post you made and told you how wrong you were and to get facts etc ... why? Because that is your opinion on how you will deal with it.

    So why is that respect not being forwarded to me .. you are not the problem Ken.

    You and do not always agree on stuff but that is life .. neither of us continues to poke the other.

    You ask a question .. you get the answer .. agree or disagree .. we move on. I ask a question .. I get the answer .. agree or disagree .. we move on.

    For some reason my comments initially became the burr up somebody's butt and they won't let go and they keep poking.

    Did you - the poker - every stop to think that if you would just agree to disagree this whole thing would calm down?

    Rather than continue with the chauvinistic poking .. back down a little and stop antagonizing. You may be able to push other women around but this one has been there and done that and will stand up for my rights .. the same as anyone else should do.
  6. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I'll be wearing a mask as long as necessary and I hope everyone who comes to my door is wearing one. I think this virus may be with us a long time.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    When you post a long tirade in which you accuse those of us who aren't part of the mask cult of every evil imaginable, then suggested we should be fined or kicked out of the country, ending that same post by accusing others of shaming people, that had to be addressed. So I did. That's all. I don't care if you wear a mask. I know some otherwise sensible people who wear masks, and I don't make a point of telling them that they look silly unless they ask or it comes up in conversation.

    I especially like it when they pull down their masks to cough, sneeze, or to talk to someone. That's cute, and pretty much every mask-wearer does that. No one wants to cough inside their mask. That would be disgusting.
    Cody Fousnaugh and Bobby Cole like this.
  8. Maggie Mae

    Maggie Mae Veteran Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Yeah .. I have seen that too and agree that it is pretty disgusting. I have to wonder why they even bother to wear the mask.

    As for my "tirade" if you go back through and make note of who is saying what to all of my posts you will then realize where that tirade has come from.

    As I have stated .. I have equal rights to my opinions and comments - the same as everyone else - and I also have the right to be respected .. you will see who it is that is poking the hornet nest.

    I will respond when provoked .. I will discuss when I find something interesting .. I will share my opinion unless the thread is marked Men Only or Stay Out Maggie.

    This is a great forum to discuss but when harassment enters the picture I refuse to run away.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That's what the forum is for.
    Babs Hunt likes this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I will ignore it. At least one law firm in Maine has offered to represent anyone arrested or fined for violating the state's mask laws and to do so without charge. I won't be alone, either.

  11. Maggie Mae

    Maggie Mae Veteran Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    I am sure of that. So far it is not mandatory across the board here but in many places they have made it so and there are a ton of really angry people.

    I went to the vet to pick up meds for my dogs today and you can't even get through the door without a mask and signing a paper that says you've not knowingly been in contact with anyone who has Covid 19 in the last 2 weeks. Once you've done that they will unlock the door and allow you inside.

    Most of the stores here are asking people to wear a mask but not enforcing it yet. They all have those stickers on the floor to stay 6' apart .. the aisles are now one way and all registers are like little booths with plexiglass to help protect the workers who are all wearing masks and gloves.

    I've read that in some sections of southern California they have already begun fining people who are out and about without a mask and apparently each time the fine gets larger.

    Who knows how all of this will end but obviously not everyone will travel the same road .. some will look like surgeons when they go out and some will look like normal everyday people and the rest will be a blend everything in between.

    I just hope everyone here remains safe.
    Patsy Faye and Bobby Cole like this.
  12. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Yesterday, our Governor outright, on the TV, stated that young folks (Millennials) are causing the virus to spread. He stated, "I don't care what you do, legal or illegal, this summer is not for partying" and "please wear a mask" and finally, "wear a damn mask!".

    Stopped at local Walmart yesterday. I went in with a mask on, and a Senior (older) Walmart employee, standing outside the door, told a young guy "please put on a mask". He told her "I forgot it", but she still persisted "you need to wear a mask to come into the store". He turned around and headed back into the parking lot........semi-discussed.

    Another, very muscular young dude, with neck and arms full of tattoos, not wearing a mask, was told by the same Walmart employee, "you can't enter the store without wearing a mask". He sort of looked at her, like saying "old lady, don't bug me, or.......". Just by the way he looked, I sure wouldn't have said anything to him about wearing a mask! He looked like he was part of WWE. We left Walmart before we could see what happened.

    Why this Senior Citizen Walmart employee was telling folks, who weren't wearing a mask, that they needed to put on a mask, I have no idea. From what I understand, Walmart employee's aren't suppose to tell anyone to put on a mask. Same goes for Home Depot and Lowe's.
  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Your governor mandated that masks have to be worn in all public places ergo the person who is assigned to regulate the traffic going into the store has every right to insist that people wear masks.
    Even if the governor hadn’t imposed the mandate, a private business can regulate how many people enter the store and the conditions which a person must follow in order to enter.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    True, Bobby, but there have been to many incidents, IOW fights/shootings of employees insisting that incoming public wear a mask. Yesterday was the first time I'd seen a Walmart employee (senior citizen) insist on people not wearing a mask, to put on a mask before entering the store.

    To many people have shown outrage towards a store employee, of any store, for insisting on people wear a mask before entering. Actually, there have been some businesses that have had to shut down due to the outrage of the public towards employees.

    Both our Home Depot and Lowe's would have an employee at the door to only allow so many people into the store at one time and each had to be wearing a mask. That is no longer happening.

    Heck, we even seen a few Seniors in all three stores, not wearing a mask.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    There are those that will say, "I didn't vote for Trump, don't like him, so...........", just like "I didn't vote for our Governor, don't like him, so..........."

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