Pbs American Experience: Clinton

Discussion in 'Movies & Entertainment' started by Beth Gallagher, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Clinton is a 2-part documentary on PBS American Experience. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this series. I was an unabashed Bill Clinton supporter back during his presidency. I was not particularly political during that time, but I liked the "cut of his jib." I still believe that he was a great president who wanted great things for America, even considering his moral weaknesses. Watching this, I became aware that the unfettered bashing and unrelenting hatred of a president is not a new phenomenon by a long shot. If you enjoy historical documentaries this is time well spent.

    8 Minute Clip:

    The show is currently available online if you can't find it in your TV listings. https://www.pbs.org/video/american-experience-clinton/ I'm looking forward to their next documentary about Reagan.
  2. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I'm surprised you didn't get a large response to this. In reviewing the whole Mena - cocaine - Clinton - Seal affair I avoided anti-Clinton and conspiracy theory sites. Of the few left, this from Judicial Watch is probably the best. It's brief. I regard JW as right-wing but not crazy far-right-wing.

    I've seen claims that Clinton ran the operation. It's unlikely. There are also claims that Clinton was a massive cocaine user at the time. Who knows?
    But what did he know and/or how involved was he? At least one friend and supporter of Clinton and Roger Clinton went to jail for drug smuggling connected with Mena..

    There were careers ruined and people killed over this. It has to at least be discussed in any review of Clinton's governorship and subsequent presidency., even if the purpose is to discount it entirely.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  3. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Dwight Ward

    As indicated by @Beth Gallagher, portrayal of life's travesties pertaining to those in high places often misplaces emphasis inappropriately. Back when it was happening, the Whitewater Incident as well as all the Mena indiscretions (a mild description, to be sure), were largely unknown to the public. As folks involved began mysteriously dying, suspicions were whetted to explosive proportions. My wife and I drove down to Mena from our place in Missouri, to see the area, and "feel" any effects remaining. Nice, quiet little place.......

    Purportedly, Whitewater was not only a swindle, but also it's expanse of remotely located land provided an excellent disguise for shadowy activity.......small planes dropping bundles of unknown goods under cover of night......witnessed once by two teen-aged boys, both of whom "fell asleep" on railroad tracks and were killed. The official autopsy reports stated injuries were sustained by railroad wheels. One's mother was not satisfied, and had an exhumation an private autopsy done: her son had been killed by blunt trauma to the head......

    Then there was Vince Foster, life-long friend of Bill, Ron Brown, cabinet member, and many others, some noting over 50 in all......\\

    Dwight Ward likes this.
  4. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I thought of bringing up the boys and other similar things but in my brief review of articles I could find nothing from comparatively 'neutral' sources. I'm glad to find someone else who remembers these things and thinks they're still important. Thanks for your comments, Frank.
  5. Scott Laughlin

    Scott Laughlin Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Yes, Clinton provided a good life for us. I was long hauling then and I listened Art Bell's Coast-to-Coast AM and his paranormal subjects. He sold a clock that ran backwards, and advertised a paper shredder that supposedly was powered by a 40 hp motor. It was a hoot.

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