I understand that this video isn’t a “meme” per se, but it does have some satirical value which I think ya’ll might enjoy.
There may be more than one person going by that name. One lives in Israel and posts about anti-semitism in various publications. One ( or the same ) sells her handmade items online. I got tired of looking. Search lists her as being in articles but it's only as a commenter, where you have to do a tedious search to find her short comments. (Another?) writes about police brutality towards blacks and autistic people. There's no way for me to tell if it's one or several people.
Sorry I know that there's a woman by that name who live in Old Orchard Beach ME but I had posted her picture because when our esteemed(?) governor announced plans to have people report people not wearing mask or businesses allowing no-maskers this woman's picture came with the article.
In 2015 D. Trump as a candidate made a similar movement and the media picked it up as being unsympathetic to a special needs person. He had an awful lot of ‘splaining to do after that.