Interesting timing. Last night's news broadcast had a lead-in story that traffic fatalities in Virginia have gone up during the "pandemic." I didn't watch. But there's this from an online article: Because correlation is causation.
From a church site that I am reviewing. The funniest thing is that I don't think they were trying to be funny.
My favorite is to whisper "You've got something between your teeth," and see if they reach to get it out. I even motion to my mask..."Right here." No one has, but some take a second for it to click.
So the new Apple watches have a hand-washing app, of all the ridiculous... Doesn't everyone want their damn watch nagging them (besides spying on your whereabouts.)
It reports your hygienic deficiencies back to the Mother Ship so if you get COVID, your insurance claim will be denied. And what does the app do...remind you to wash both of them at the same time? Silly Apple owners.
I'm not really sure what it does; you may rest assured I will never use such nonsense. I assume it has some kind of motion sensor and then times you... gah. Since I have ordered my series 6 watch I've been skulking around the fanbois forum . Good grief, people astonish me with their worship of technology, especially the Apple cultists. There are threads devoted to collecting watch bands, for cryin' out loud.
I went to my local Verizon store to discuss my watch options, doing as Yvonne suggested and getting a used iPhone and a used watch. One of the women who works in that store is tuber-knowledgable on all sorts of phone technology going way back. That phone app reminds me of my buying an electric toothbrush a few years ago. They can tie into your smartphone and show where you are brushing, reminding you when to move on to the next mouth quadrant. You gotta think there are more COVID apps to come besides the gummint tracking one (which might drive me to spend the $10/month to add my flip phone to my account and carry it rather than my Smartphone.)