I'll have to answer your questions tomorrow, Craig. I have to go for now. In the meantime, Mums the word.
OMG!!!! I rubbed some of the fruit on my face last night !!!!! When I looked in the mirror this morning, this is what I saw! Apparently, the fruit only works on the native women. I went to the Voodoo woman and she said the effects will wear off in a few hours. Damn! I hope she is right. So, my friends, I guess we won't be rich, after all.
What a stunner you are Shirley. If it does not wear off we can use you as a circus exhibit . Just kidding y'all. So the whole thing was a hoax. Where to from here? Are we still going to follow up the tribe's DNA to see if they are a unique race. Like I say we will be famous in the anthropological world but it wont add much to our bank accounts.
We can sell our story to Hollywood. They will make it into a blockbuster movie. We will play ourselves and become internationally famous movie stars. How's that sound? I'm going to take some of the magic fruit back to our lab on our island and have our technicians test it to see if we can reproduce the effect on all women. But, first, we have to get out of here. The natives are getting restless. And they look mighty hungry. How are we going to get out?
Shirley those are your eyes and glasses unless mistaken. Clever to superimpose eyes onto the face of an old hag.
First see if we have found a unique tribe of Amazon Indian otherwise dont believe producers will be interested in our story. Shirley I like your idea of having the fruit tested in our lab. Perhaps our scientists can mutate the juice to eradicate those ghastly side effects.
You're right, Craig! I have the fruit and DNA samples in my back pack. Quick! Run for the canoe! But wait!! Where is Louise???? We have to find her before the natives capture her. Where can she be???
That Louise is always wandering off. Also where is our guide. Suddenly a loud sickening male scream is heard. Then silence. From out of nowhere Louise runs into view yelling breathlessly . They just killed Carlos. Quick we need to get out of here. We three intrepid adventurers quickly jumped into the canoe, grabbed the oars and paddled ferociously. Once out of arrow range we stopped and looked back at the shoreline seeing rows of the Indians waving their weapons and shouting.. we were safe.
Yep. It looks like we were just in time to catch the boat. So let's enjoy seeing the amazing sights along the Amazon River.