Weaponizing Medicine

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Martin Alonzo, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    It may not even be due to a vaccine in some case.

    Whenever a baby is exposed to mercury, from any source, if they do not have the enzyme needed to naturally metabolize (eliminate) the mercury, the mercury goes to the brain. (in too many cases).

    Twins, where one has auteism and one does not, and both were exposed to merc - the twin without aut has mercury in their hair (i.e. showing their body dealt with it/ excreted it/ eliminated it naturally) The twin (and others) exposed or shot with mercury who
    have aut do not have any mercury in their hair, and do not have a way to prevent it from lodging / collecting in their brains, thus the damage is done, until the merc is removed with chelation or other means. (like lead posining, used for over 100 years, chelation therapy works and is used. same for those who know about it and have merc poisoning)
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    But still, the number of vaccines would affect the amount of thimerosal (mercury) in the body.
    Jeff Elohim likes this.
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Yes, and the continued repeated (admitted) spontaneous miscarriages in girl's and women's lives may be as planned from anti-<hcg> and other compounds on purpose in the vile vials.
  4. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    In the post following this one, is a list of all the studies, doctors, virologists, scientists, and others who

    have proven a virus causes covid.
  5. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Here's the list :
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don't see a list.
  7. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    The list is complete and contains what the first post says it will contain.
  8. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    And worse - the death rate of unborn went up as the immunization rate went up. Cause and effect known for decades, and used for population control in African countries, and for whatever reason in the USA.

    Since material the same or similar to HCG is in many of the immunizations, the woman's body develops antibodies against HCG also, and if she gets pregnant in the future (or is pregnant when she gets a flu shot or other containing the material) ,
    then her body rejects the babies body in her womb
    and a spontaneous (and unexplained by doctors) miscarriage occurs.

    Thus the death rate for unborns probably did increase as more people (women) got more shots. (In the USA, Africa, etc )
  9. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The second reason to lie is to cover up liability.

    Early on there was a woman whose mother was in a facility. Her mother had problems swallowing, and she dies while in their care. The Death Certificate said "COVID." The daughter did not believe it and demanded her own independent autopsy. Her mother choked to death...the daughter believes because of improper care.

    Either way, the facility lied to get a check while trying to negate liability.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  10. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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  11. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    as the title of the thread declares: big pharma is making you sick. - autism, dmentia, dbtes, cncer, headaches, skin itching, shingles, arthrts, all a plague on mankind thanks to big pharma.

    a neighbor was laying in his hospital bed, one of the biggest hospitals in north st.louis county at the time, decades ago, and he was recovering "as expected" (however slow or fast),
    died -
    a nurse was supposed to be attending him, observing constantly watching over him, at the time of his death.

    They were gone. Not present. Not watching. Not observing. Not caring. Whether they were on a cigarette break, a phone call, whatever, is not known. But they were not caring for him.

    He choked to death/ asphyxiated?/ on some stomach contents that came up while he was laying in his hosptial bed unable to summon a nurse, unable to call out, unable to press a button. Unconscious? Maybe.

    The attending medcial personael were not attending, not available, not doing their clearly defined duty/ job/
    not caring for him. (this happens more often than you may think).

    A lawyer was called. Discussions took place with the grieving distressed widow of the man who died.

    THe lawyer did not disclose that he was paid large sums of money by the hospital to prevent lawsuits.
    (a conflict of interest!)

    The widow did not know at the time that the lawyer worked for the hospital - and she let him talk her out of the
    "long length of trials/ painful recounting of her husbands death / cost of the trial/ struggle to get justice or any results of lawsuit for pain and suffering and negligent homicide" (my own description - the lawyer's and widow's negotiations were not public knowledge - the widow, our neighbor, was a friend of my mom and discussed it as time went by ) ...

    In general, it was already known in the 1970's, that hospitals were cutting corners, not hiring enough staff to handle the surgery load, and other departments, and patients who needed constant observing.

    That's just one very tiny speck , one tiny tip of a gigantuan iceberg of medically induced death happening daily in hospitals across the country. With the false excuse of 'we can't afford to hire enough', and other 'leagleze' excuses to avoid the monstrous liability they would have to pay if

    if people knew the truth.

    Sidenote: the costly liability , the leagle costs, the awards for pain and suffering in the millions,

    may well be un-necessary, un-helpful, un-just, and a bad side effect of the way the system(s) set up.

    The honest doctors and nurses, when they live and practice honestly and fairly and "for a chicken" (in trade),
    like in the past some did, and some midwives did,
    were able to do more good with less harm than modern hospitals in the corrupt medical system.
    The political /drug lords/ greed/ has for the most part silenced those who are honest and pure and true and helpful. That which is right and good is not permitted - instead a shame, a show, a performance , is put on,
    pretending to be something they are not,
    robbing the people of hope and joy and health,
    replacing reality with sheer fabrication , make believe, fairy tales at best, all of our lives and our parent's lives and our children's lives and our grandparents lives (the deception is not something new nor recent - it has been standard protocol in the system(s) of the world for generations)
  12. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    The list is long of virologists that know that Covid is a virus, what is in dispute and has NO proof is that it is a naturally occurring virus. Anyone with basic virology sequencing knowledge knows that this virus was lab formulated using Sars 1 as the model. It is impossible for a virus such as Sars1 and now 2 to occur naturally without a traceable sequence. All the world experts that have come forward with the sequencing proving it was lab formulated have been silenced. It is in fact a virus and seldom spread by the respiratory. Contact is the way it is mostly spread. The time frame it became a pandemic worldwide is proof it was a contact spread virus for the most part. No respiratory viral infection could spread that quickly. While it affected the respiratory, it wasn't spread that way. Just like a coronavirus cold, the major spread is by contact, IE the hands, and food sources.

    Sars virus cannot live in moisture droplets once dispelled from the body for more than microseconds. It does live in mucous for minutes or even hours. Yes, it is a virus, and make no mistake, it is a lab formulated weapon of terror. It can accomplish what other weapons cannot. Just look at the results of 2020 now 2021.
  13. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Oh, they ASSume there is a virus, and get paid to keep saying it is a virus - they don't get to keep their money and job if they admit it is not a virus.
  14. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    exerpt from other : stateline propaganda (assumed to be true, never proven, ever, and often proven false)

    "Our food sources are how the Sars2/Coronavirus spread worldwide so rapidly. No mystery to me."

    A mystery is what ? Something unknown.

    Since it is unknown to all the people who assumed and accept the virus THEORY , I'd say it is a mystery.
  15. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    And you have proof it isn't a virus? You apparently do not understand viruses. When virologists have studied COVID in labs and watched it mutate, that confirms it is a virus. No assuming was involved. If not a virus then explain what it is, please.

    Using your theory, then Varicella Zoster virus "shingles" is not a virus. Nothing is a virus and virus becomes an ambiguous word with no meaning.

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