I have a bunch of harmonicas kicking around here. I have a case of 5-6 of them in different keys. I also have my father's Horner chromatic he had in WW2, and I took it apart because of some stuck reeds. It's still in pieces in a bag. I should have taken it to a professional. I've about given up on playing an instrument. Others in my family got those genes. I'll just listen. I'm glad Walmart worked out this time. It's good to have options. (But their website layout still sucks.) I wonder if you can order some of their prepared foods? Rotisserie chicken has tons of uses...and it freezes well. I've simmered the carcass with excess skin & bits, then thrown in a handful of frozen mixed veggies and made a decent soup. I also like their house brand of Heat 'n' Eat pizzas.
@John Brunner, I grew up runnig around with several guys who were all musicians. the reason, my cousin was one of them, Back in those days there were no amps or nothing electrical. They all played guitars and some played mandolin or banjo, drums, and bass. On Saturday nights they would gather at someone’s house in the country, and play and sing until the wee hours. I tagged along. I couldn’t play anything and wanted to badly. After I retired with emphysema some two or three years I dropped and broke a plastic medical device that you blew into and inhaled holding a little ball in the center. It had a name but I don’t remember it. An elderly nurse whom I respected had given it me saying, no one likes thing but if you use it regularly it can help save your life. My breathing was really getting labored. I didn’t want anyone to know I had broken the plastic thingy, I drove to a music store and bought a harmonica. I couldn’t play one, I couldn’t even make a noise trying to draw through it. Over time it helped me get more oxygen into my lungs and I finally learned to play one. have a soft spot for harmonica players. Learning wasn’t easy. Now. I play dailyjust like taking my medications. I think the old nurse I knew back in the nineties knew what she was talking about. My favorite harmonica players are Mickey Rapheal and Buddy Greene. There are many great harmonica players around and all better than I so Ikedep learning as I go. Mickey Rapheal is the player who got a gig with Willy Nelson's band that has lasted over forty years and Buddy Greene does his own thing of course but is more know for the harmonica player who has been with the Gathers for many years. Excuse my wordiness. I think the medication I am on is making me more talkative, no doubt some of it best unsaid or have said many times here before.
Music is a common bond, that's for sure. We may differ on the types we like, but everyone has something they like. It's like food...you don't have to have a scrap of knowledge to enjoy it. But understanding it does make it better. Even though I didn't play well or play professionally, I was still playing trumpet until I was 40 or so, mostly for my emotional health. There's something about it... And don't get concerned over thinking you're rambling. If we all didn't do it, we wouldn't have a forum, we'd have a couple of pages. My most often used line here is "I've commented on this before..." and then I say it again.
Yeah, I like the horns. They give me a chance to use my flats. but its usually the the sax I like to try to emulate
My wife’s blood pressure has been rising for a week and we were asked to monitor and record her BP. This morning as I prepared to take her BP she noticed her nose bleeding. Now her nose never bleeds. So I took her BP. It was 182 over 82 which is too high, way too high, one with a blood pressure that high is in stroke territory. A few minutes later I took it again. It was 194 over 87. I knew we had to do something. I was thinking of calling my son to take us to the ER but decided to first call our nurse. As it happened she was in Norman calling on patients. She stopped.by shortly, took charge and increased my wife’sBP medication and at the present we are in the monitoring stage again. If when I take wife’s BP this evening and it is above 160 over 95, we’ll go to ER. I ‘m hoping that won’t won’t be necessary.
Bill, I know from experience that stress makes the blood pressure go up. Mine was a little bit up a couple of years ago and every time I checked it after that, it was up more. I got my son take me to the emergency room. I don't know what caused it to go up. It's usually in the normal range. The doctor in the emergency room told me that it would have to be excessively high for years to cause harm. It was back to normal in a day or so. Don't panic. And don't let her panic.
We're thinking of you, buddy. Did the nurse put forth any opinion on underlying cause? Did she give you that 165/90 threshold to monitor? Man. You don't need this. Neither does she.
Yeah, gave me the 160/95. Went to bed late bp was 179/87. After taking medication this a.mm.. dropped to 139/85 We re relieved.
@Shirley Martin,179/89 last time. She don't want me to take her bp anymore. Did talk to nurse. They will get back to us tomorrow sometime. I'll try to take it again after a while. She just took bp medication at 6:00 p.m.
Bill, does it go up every time you take it? Mine did. If it does, it might be best not to take if for a while.