I did, in my last job. I was the Materials Coordinator. I worked with the Buyer and done Inventory Management. I helped the Supervisor/Director setup and open the Materials Department and Warehouse. When it came time to hire a Warehouseman, the guy the Supervisor/Director ended up hiring had dyslexia. The guy spelled Army wrong by putting the "m" after the "y", but that didn't seem to bother the Supervisor/Director. Unfortunately, the guy sure messed up my inventory on the computer. When he would put away stock that came in, he'd put it on one location (numbered/lettered) shelf, but put down a different number/letter. On the Receiver he gave to me to input into the computer, that wrong shelf was listed. So, that's the number/letter I put into the computer for a location. Not all locations he gave me were wrong, but some definitely were. When an order would come in, I'd look up the item on the computer, took the item location that was listed and gave him the order. He'd call me saying "this item isn't there" and that's when we figured out that he had put the item in a different location than he wrote down for me to input into the computer. The Supervisor/Director didn't want me to check on the locations he gave me, stating "that would take to long and it's not part of your job anyway." Later, the dude failed a drug test (cocaine), argued that the test was wrong and ended up getting fired/escorted out of the building. Him and his wife had taken a trip to New York, to see relatives and the last night there, had done some "lines". Ever work with anyone that was truly "undesirable"?
Only one. Not a co-worker, but my supervisor, for 8 years. Certifiable. Expertise was gaslighting. Anything bad that happened was always the employees' fault. Always playing the victim to higher ups. If only they would do what I tell them to, things would be fine. To the employees (privately) "You didn't understand what I told you," or denying it was ever said. A tape recorded would have been handy in private conversations.
I once had a boss who was younger than I was, who I caught telling a lie to the VP of the university in a department heads meeting. The issue could have gotten the university sued. At the time I was teaching for 2 departments and at the meeting representing the other boss. The lie was so outrageous that I later went to the VP privately and ratted the guy out. It took a while, but he was not only unceremoniously fired a year or so later but was given 10 chaperoned minutes to remove his personal items from his office and escorted off the campus by campus police.
There have been a few. There is nothing worse than managers who do not rein in those who do not play well with others.
Per topic several: 2 stand out one just plainly stunk from BO I told my boss he said I will back you but you handle it he would not so I told him he smelled horrible, it did not change but he finally left, the other one I had was my boss, we hated him as most others also did, management would not let any females work with him but kept him he had to have something on them no way with the amount of complaints on him and never anything done about it to remain there. In the end he was laid off like the rest of us were from govt cutbacks, then reality hit him as no one would hire him. I told him your past finally caught up with you. He reminds me of someone else I am aware of.
That reminds me of a guy who worked for me at the Hess gas station I managed. He was 18, I was only 19 or 20. Steve was clean (he showered every morning), but he did not use deodorant. We get temps approaching 100° and humidity about that high as well here. The other guys complained and were gonna be nasty about it to him. I had the task of pulling the guy aside and as nicely as I could tell him he needed to use deodorant. He did. It worked out OK. You see all kinds of things. I had another guy work for me there who could not make change if someone bought $5 worth of gas and gave him a $10 bill. But that's another story.
I'm waiting for someone to step up and admit that they were the undesirable co-worker. It would make a much more interesting story.
I gotta think that we have all had at least one coworker believe us to be undesirable. No one gets along with everybody. (That's not an admission. I have no stories.)
That is what I liked about milking cows. Eventually any un-desirable 'co-worker' could, eventually, legally end up in my freezer.
Have to be careful some of them will go postal on co-workers. I've had a few run ins with nutty co workers. on all kinds of jobs.