Continue The Story

Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Allison Schuck, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Yeh covers both scenarios. I am in.

    "Ray and Raven we are from the 21st Century.. somehow we have flown into the future. What year is it".
    "It has just turned the new millenium".. 3000 replied Raven. The three looked at each other in amazement. "3000 this is impossible".. How long since the Chinese came and why did we just roll over to them. Where was our great ally America while Australian history was being trashed by a Communist power".......
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  2. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Raven, "No one knows how long it has been. The Chinese removed everything that could tell us the time. Some of our Old Ones kept calendars as best they could but eventually it all became confused. We believe it to be the year 3000 but we can't know for sure. The Chinese attack was a total surprise. The Americans might have been told that we welcomed the Chinese. We don't know because we are cut off from the rest of the world."

    Science has advanced tremendously since then. The Chinese have all the latest technology. We have managed to steal some of it as years have gone by. The land we occupy was once known as the Cantwell Station. We have a force field machine that we took from the Chinese. It prevents them from seeing what is under it. If they see the cattle, they probably think they are wild cattle, We are so remote that they don't come here often. We have spies who let us know if there is a patrol coming. We make sure that they see nothing. I have covered our flying machines with a smaller force field. Let us now get back on them and fly to my homestead while it is still dark. "

    Back at Cantwell Station, Richie recognized many things. But there were many new things. Raven showed him around while Ray prepared them a meal. Richie was relieved to see that the menu was much the same as he remembered.

    As they ate, Raven told them that the only way to free the Australians was for someone to go back and warn the world that the Chinese were about to attack Australia.

    So they had to get their helicopter back to the exact place that they encountered the time warp.

    Meanwhile Richie and Raven were becoming close friends. They went riding every day. Richie told her the history of Cantwell Station. She told him about what she knew about it since the Free Australians had occupied it.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  3. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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  4. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Meanwhile Tom wandered around looking at everything and scrounging up leftover rubbish, and muttering about the Chinese invaders. Turning off mobile data, he even took out his old flip flop phone and took lots of pictures.

    Tom also asked to borrow a horse and promised to stay within the main Force field.

    "What happened about the Climate change and Global Warming?" Tom asked of Jomah, one of the futuristic people.
    'Not sure what you're talking about?' said Jomah. So Tom told him all about it.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  5. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    And Jomah was sad to hear what was happening and decided he would do what he could to make a difference if only a small one. Sadly though he got mixed up with the tree hugging Carpetbaggers in DC and now he is insane with radicalism.
    But his family and friends are going to try to rescue him from his mental illness\.
  6. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Jomah's efforts must have made a difference because.........:)

    When asked about Climate Change and Global Warming, Raven said, " We know nothing of climate change or global warming. For as long as we have recorded history, Australia has had a moderate climate. Our temperatures range from 85º to 35º . There is plenty of rain but not too much. There may have been some mention of it in our ancient history books but the Chinese destroyed all of them."

    While Raven and Richie were riding and picnicking and Tom was snooping around and taking his mysterious pictures, Ashley was exploring the house. It was much the same as the one in their time except it had no visible source of power. She made a mental note to ask Raven and Ray how the electronics were run.

    She wondered what Tom was looking for and why he was taking pictures.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  7. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Under protection from the force field Richie wasted no time in returning to the downed Cantwell Flash. The blades kicked over but the engine did not. Frustrated he located Jomah and asked him if he knew of a way to return to his Earth of 2040 to warn the Australian govt of a possible imminent invasion and occupation by the Communist Chinese. "I carried out some research Richie on teleportation at a government establishment before I was banished but nothing concrete". Then that means the Chinese have solved the teleportation solution as myself and my associates would not be here and that they must know we have moved from one dimension to another and pose a threat to them......
  8. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Half cast Tom Jones saw and met Marie. "Are you a little confused Lady? We've been transported from the 21st century Cantwell Ranch to the 30th century. I remember you I think, I'm a new employee of Mr Richard Cantwell, took off in his chopper with Lady Ashley as a cattle spotter and hit a time vortex it seems! Seems you got dragged into that time vortex too with us to the 30th century. I'm sure I saw you working about the Cantwell Ranch. You look confused. Can you remember what your role was there? I should take you to Mr Cantwell, do you remember him? Richard, Richie,...Cantwell? Do you remember me, Tom Jones? I was new.

    Before we go, can you help me dig this hole. I buried some gold here a thousand years ago, apparently?

    Nope, looks like it's gone. Is that a good or bad omen I wonder?
    Let me take your picture please Marie. Can you take mine, and one of us together, a selfie? Evidence too.
    You got a smart phone? Turn off your mobile data and put it in airplane mode. All off but pics, vids and voice recordings. We need to stay silent for these good people and their resistance to Australia's Chinese invaders and current masters, so it seems. We may a chance to return to 2022 to avert this tragedy, perhaps? Gotta check in now about you and phones...and whatever else. Best to check with Mr Cantwell. He's a smart boss. Lady Ashley, is our Heart.
    Do you believe in destiny? I sit on that sharp fence.

    Marie sat behind Tom's borrowed horse back to the Ranch, dirty and sweaty with Marie hanging tightly to his grimy shirt.

    Seeing Mr Cantwell close with that pretty future lady Raven, Tom barged in anyway and said " Mr Cantwell sir, this is Marie, do you recognise her from your employ in the 21st century?, was she one of your office ladies?"
    Before Richie had time to think, Tom took a photo of them, Richie and Raven, holding hands. "That's nice" said Tom Jones. "We've been digging.
    Can I get this phone recharged Miss Raven? I turned off all the radio aspects but love the simple "photo function" it has. Evidence, if that's ok? To combat" the Chinese invasion?" We need evidence no matter how weird.

    To confound matters further, at that moment Lady Ashley entered the patio garden with Ray, her futuristic gentleman guide.

    "What's up? We saw Tom ride in quick with someone on the back of his borrowed horse." said Lady Ashley, and only then did she see Marie next to Tom.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
  9. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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  10. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    So we have until midnight Friday night to see why Tom is taking pictures, why Marie is here and if Richie and Raven will find true love forever.
  11. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Captain Kirk of the Enterprise. I was never a big fan of Star Trek but I am willing to change that given this news about their offering us a time portal back to our Earth. Whatever happens Ashley and Jones we must not miss this deadline.. our nation's entire existence depends on it. Only one problem the Cantwell Flash is out of commission so how do we re enter the portal to our dimension. We need to come up with an alternate plan quick smart as we have less than two days. Any ideas Jones, Ashley.......
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
    Terence Eames likes this.
  12. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Mesnwhile back at NASA , they are having problems with communications with the astronauts .They think China has found a way into their system.And giving false instructions to the crew attemping to scuttle the shuttle.Capt Kirk and Marie are now getting conflicting messsages from the system and having strong disagrements with one another. The anziety is also causing Richie and Raven to doubt each other so it total chaos on the craft with no solution in sight.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  13. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Those Commies are a devious lot. Big on tech they have the expertise to hack into the most secure of US facilities. Before we left Earth 2040 the Australian govt was suspicious of Chinese interference in our last election plus the leaking of a Defence White Paper. There was even talk they had hacked into Australia's massive resources company BHP as well as Forrest Enterprises one of the world's largest producers of hi grade iron ore.. which Beijing wants desperately but appears reluctant to spend the current market price. This is all becoming clearer now why Australia was invaded and occupied by China. If only we knew the precise timeline of the invasion.......
    Terence Eames and Marie Mallery like this.
  14. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    with thr instalation of new satalites and the astronauts in space with high techology they have found out that China is not only buying up Australia but have also taken over most of the precious resources of Africa also. Especially the fertile lands for rop producing.America has its own problems with Ted Turner,Bill Gates buting up its waters and auquafers .Richie and Raven has been studing and learning that fertile land for crop propagaion and fresh water are being called the new gold.Gold will be worthless in a dry starving world. Drought's,floods and famines will be the cause new wars.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  15. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    "Mr Cantwell sir" said Tom "I've been collecting evidence of our journey here into the future. The point being for you, with your high status, to convince the Authorities about the China plans.
    The thing that bothers me though is the consequences for this reality if we succeed in changing the future!?
    Or is 'all destiny' and we're bound to fail?"
    Marie Mallery likes this.

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