The pit was I slept in until 10AM. I usually get up around 7AM. It was supposed to rain all day, so I decided I was gonna sleep in when I went to bed last night. It feels as though the whole day is shot. I have yet to peak. Perhaps I'll just be in mesa-mode today. I will share yesterday's peak: my neighbors go to Sam's Club in the city every once in a while, and will sometimes buy me a rotisserie chicken. They dropped one off yesterday. Such nice people...
Yesterday Pit: All day was wasted due to a tooth problem, which in turn caused a sinus problem, which in turn caused balance issues, foggy thinking, and general zombie-like behavior. Peak: Antibiotics finally kicked in by midnight. Better so far today, except stuffed up head and foggy thinking
Sorry to hear about a bad tooth. I fought this constantly for 2 years before having mine all pulled. I did extra care and everything but just couldn't control the constant gum infections. An infected tooth can really cause problems with sinuses, hearing, and balance. I hope you can get it fixed soon.
Pit: I just made my 4th (or is it 5th or 6th?) batch of Apple Squares. Man, are these things good. But I really shouldn't be eating this kind of stuff every day. Peak: I have a fresh batch of Apple Squares!!! Mmmmmmmm.........
Pit: Our Comcast Xfinity bill went up by $50.00. Wife wasn't happy! We have our cable and internet as a package. But, she's using more Internet now due to her "at home" job. Of course she getting a very nice weekly salary, which probably includes "at home - on the job" internet use. Plus......she forgot that two discounts we have been getting, were for 2 years and expired this month. I showed her the small green print below the two charges, that stated that. Peak: Got ahold of Xfinity, thru IM, and they are giving us a nice/new package, which includes a new modem, faster internet service and more cable channels (even though we don't need them). We are so, so hooked on the Cowboy Channel and rodeo action. Xfinity doesn't control The Cowboy Channel, our Roku does. For us, it's great!
My Pit continues from yesterday. I had to buy a new phone. Mine was 5 years old and really acting up lately, plus some other Google issues that would soon make it even more obsolete. i bought a Samsung Galaxy A32, nice phone but holy cow it is so different that what I have been using. Even though some things were transferred over, not everything was and that is what i am having to work on. Some contacts came through. others did not. My calendar with all up coming events did not transfer either. Thought I would go blind trying to correct and add things. Plus i had not slept very well or long the night before so that did not help. The Peak is a tad better today and have got two things corrected so far this morning. My eyes are really bothering me, going have to see that specialist soon and find out about these cataracts.
My pit today is having my legs and left arm wrapped tightly to stimulate lymph drainage for my lymphadema. It doesn't hurt but it sure is uncomfortable walking and using my arm
PIT--- received multiple injections in my lower back today for the pain. This was my third treatment, so far no relief. PEAK-- moved out of my apartment this past Sunday, I'm back home, unpacking has been slow because of my back.
@Tony Page - so sorry as I have back pain also and it can be debilitating. Maybe it will take a day or two for the treatment to kick in. My daughter had some sort of procedure done to her back and it worked for her. I will try and find what that was she had done.
She can not remember the exact name . Think it started with an A. However they put you to sleep in her case her doctors office - Kind of like epidural steroid injection. i knw she was not allowed to drive home, so I took her. I think that one injection did the trick. She was in agonizing pain until she had that done. Maybe that is what you already had done?
That does sound more like an epidural which will probably one of the next things they will try on me. I feel ridiculous because I had a procedure done in June which was 4 ginormous needles, but I have no idea what it was called the procedure or what it was. The needles I'm getting I just to relax the muscle so they don't get pain it doesn't help the nerves much. My pain starts in the back, wraps around both hips and goes down my legs. To get relief I have to take four Advil and a Salonpas patch. These last needles don't work the doctors want to revisit my case and offer other alternatives.
Pit #1: Ran out of Apple Squares. Pit #2: Relented and made another batch. I'm still waiting for the peak. I have no food impulse control.