No difference between this professor and the "lady" who told me, today, she didn't have eyes on her a....hole. j/s
I think from my studies of history and what has gone on in the world that, maybe the ones in power rule from Scandanavia. I have a lot of that in me but don't think I'm a blue-eyed devil then again who knows? Ever wonder why Switzerland hosts the World Economic Forum and also CERN? I don't know, just wondering if there is a secret society of people who want to rule over us all and who and where they come from? Anyone ever study the book of Enoch and the watchers and also wonder who the "men of renown" were in Genesis in the Bible? Bet you won't hear that question brought up in church, don't blame them nobody really knows. I have, but I gave up but did find some interesting predictions and history. So who and what does the race, nationality, and ethnic background really mean anyway if we're all under a secret cabal of egomaniacs? I don't know for sure but it was fun while it lasted.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. I suppose there are groups of people who control certain types of economics like oil cartels, or even drug cartels, pharmaceuticals, AMA and other such organizations but a group that can control the world seems a little sci-fi or far fetched.
Well, if a group of few thousands can control a country of several millions (Cuba, for instance) during 60 years...why is farfetched to think a larger group -using all the techniques / tools known to mankind- couldn't control the world?
The Venezuelan said the same: "We will never be like Cuba...."" Well, my friend, many Venezuelan are eating from garbage cans.
Well, the Chavism was able to "get them so horrible bad" thanks to the fact the Venezuelan believed they were safe against Communism.
I feel I must add to my own post: To speak the same language doesn't lead to same ethnicity; national / cultural traditions of a Salvadorian have nothing to do with the national / cultural traditions of an Argentinean, a Bolivian or a Spaniard person. This means we can't define as Hispanics to every person who speaks Spanish.
I know it was a "learned true"; today many whites say the same about the Latinos. The funny side of their saying is they have told me "The Latinos smell bad." w/o realizing I am Latina. Gee, It seems blue eyes, blond hair and white skin make the difference. LOL
Funny, but "blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin" make a person look like a So. California beach person. Remember, "blondes have more fun". LOL