Yep, the Conservatives are judged by results, while the Liberals are judged by intentions. Ass long as the Libs ay they want to do something good, that is fine, but Conservative folks actually have to do something they promise, and if they don't get EVERYTHING they promise done, they get disparaged. That is how the Libs have taken over everything. That and the fact that Americans really don't understand what is happening but believe they do know.
I might get thrown out on my ear for this one but I just gotta say it Maybe conservatives were created, and democrats evolved:
My other country was made big by the immigrants; we honor them....but they went / enter there according to the laws of the times.
This country was made great by immigrants too. Starting with Europeans and then Africans. Mexicans. Later Asians...We were considered a melting pot. Laws had to be made to get the flows under control. It is interesting that the different factions fought with each other through history. Even here in my small town when I got here--people were friendly at first; we were the same color after all. But when they found I was not FROM here, things cooled. (I was from New York with no local relatives) a kind of prejudice.
It is indeed a devastating affair when we observe a whole liberal minded grouping that regards their freedom of speech far more valuable than their freedom of thought. Or perhaps not. Perhaps the freedom of thought is SO valuable that it is kept as a miser might keep a penny; a penny that would never be exposed lest the miser be robbed of it and have nothing to replace it with. Either way, freedom of speech is chaotic without the use of one’s freedom of thought and therein is the debacle J. Biden presents.
Well, to be prejudicial with your own people is more than bad. I know USA is a melting pot.....a is Argentina (my other country)...and practically at the same. We are mostly of European origin.........but now we have many illegals thanks to lack of an efficient border patrol and to the Communism in Veneuela and Cuba. BTW. Are you aware I live in New York?
On the subject of Biden, have you noticed that since the first idiot said he was going to fix the supply chain problem; it has gotten worse - much worse. It seems the shipping backup problems at California ports have gotten much worse, not better. I read that ships were now waiting a record 17 days waiting to get into ports to unload/load. With inflation and consumer prices hitting record highs, Biden's behavior is really sticking it to people who're on fixed incomes. The acronym POS comes to mind again this morning, with apologies to those who might find such words offensive.
Corporate America is driving consumers into penury with inflation galore and no intervention from that cess pool in D.C. There should be a Board of price control demanding a cap of the percentage increase permitted on consumer goods. Biden couldn't care less about us as he's so crooked along with the rest, we now are in a position of mass control by starvation and lack of heating ability. Why the average American cannot comprehend the entire agenda afoot here is beyond me.
What comes to my mind is Scrooges infamous words "then let it decrease the surplus population" and I don't mean just those living on fixed income, but those the high and mighty don't think are necessary to this country, or world.
He is president in name only, even the name joe biden represents more than just a blob of flesh they prop up in front of a microphone. He wasn't a good man to start with but he makes a hell of a good puppet. Says and does anything his puppeteers tell him to. You can bet they are priming someone to step in, but we have some pretty big guns too. I see people working hard, but I believe, for the most part, our side is not stupid enough to go against our constitution and laws. Many of our side believes in God and are struggling to hold to our good morals. I had a dream just before I woke this a.m. It woke me, and basically, I was fighting the whole world off with their lies against me. Would you believe I was woke by my own voice praying to Jesus. I remember the words perfectly of what was the last few of my prayer, please Lord, do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. I used to pray that a lot, and believe this too, I haven't prayed like that for a long time because I guess I lose my faith sometimes. But in a very vivid dream when I evidently saw myself against insurmountable odds, I was reaching out for God. Better late then never.
Last I heard, Biden said the supply chain issues were because Americans are buying too much stuff. If we would just stop buying stuff, the supply chain issues would disappear. What a brilliant strategy!
Biden makes me cry. I, an immigrant, love and respect USA dearly; I can't understand, a person born and raised on the land, acts and says the low things he does.