Pumpernickel / rye bread, with a bit of avocado, mayo, tiny piece of ham and a scrambled egg.. banana coffee I was hungry
How do you make your iced coffee, @Al Amoling ? Do you drink it black or with cream/sugar ? I enjoy iced coffee in the summertime (but not when it is so cold in the winter !) and I usually make mine with instant coffee, or just cold coffee if there is some leftover, and then I put it in the blender with some milk and ice, and maybe some spices.
@Yvonne Smith I but four iced coffees each day at a local convenience store. I just put milk and a little cream in. When I get home I put them in the fridge. and enjoy them. There are days when I don't drink them all so occasionally the supply builds up. Right now I've got 1 from yesterday that will be breakfast then I'll get another supply
Mary, no food to absorb your supplements? I take a few supps on no food stomach as that is the instructions, but most others with food in stomach. But if what you do is good, then you know your body.
Sometimes I take a spoonful of coconut oil or some small something if food is required. I just don't like to eat breakfast as I am not hungry. Serrapeptase is great with just coffee.
I always take my supplements with food, at least a little bit. I read that our body does not recognize a pill or capsule as food; so it does not start the digestion process, and often the supplement just passes on through our body, unused. That is why they find so many vitamin capsules in the waste water purification plants. It is actually cool here today (almost chilly ! ) and i even considered making hot oatmeal for breakfast, but I am having muesli with apple and strawberry instead of my regular Raisin Bran with the apple and fruit.
Today for break/lunch it's bowl of cabbage soup with c hopped avocado in the mix and normal coffee. My eating starts later, I don't eat what I call break/lunch until about 11AM or so, I sleep later and have a routine of stuff I do before I come out to my day.
We each had one Owens sausage, potato, peppers, cheese with egg I cooked in high fiber wrap. Left over almost gone Frito chips