With crime continuing up by again (by 35% this year thus far) and an increasingly unfavorable business climate in Chicago, Boeing corporation has decided to move its headquarters from Chicago to northern VA. Needless to say VA Governor Glenn Youngkin welcomed the news while Chicago's progressive politicians did not. According to a Forbes article on the subject, "An unnamed source told Reuters that Boeing’s downtown Chicago high-rise was “a ghost town.” My editorial comment: The liberals let loose the dogs of destructive progressivism and are are now going to have a hard time reining them in.
Boeing has been struggling to get out of Washington, too, but they have such a big capital investment there that they cannot easily move. When they build new plants, they are building them in industry-friendly places like Missouri and South Carolina. They just moved the headquarters to Chicago a few years ago to get out of Seattle.
Well, there is lots of crime in Chicago and Seattle, but still plenty of people continue living in both cities and other "high crime" cities as well.
I wonder how Northern Virginia will work out for them. -Crime rates are low. -They are close to Congress so can lobby the Federal govt. more readily. -Being near all those other Federal contractors may be of benefit. -The downside is that cost of living there is through the roof, but they're only housing corporate admin staff.
For the record, from July 2019 to July 2020, 113,000 people moved out of IL to other states. Most of this loss came out of Chicago. Having grown up in IL and spent time in Chicago (south side), I can tell you the Windy City is dying. Just try to keep up with the firms that are closing and/or moving away. From US News; CHICAGO — State politicians love to claim their state is best at something. In Illinois, that's not likely to happen anytime soon, as the state enjoys the ignominious ranking of being No. 1 in outbound moves, according to surveys by two major moving companies. It's not hard to see how the Land of Lincoln earned the dubious honor. Political infighting has led to budget chaos and a state credit rating near junk bond level. Meanwhile, business and property taxes have gone up. Those who have fled the state, taking their businesses and workers with them, are not looking back. "I have no regrets about the move," says Deron Lichte, president of Food Warming Equipment Co., which moved from Crystal Lake to Portland, Tennessee. "Many of the employees who moved also are enjoying the area. My only regret is for those who couldn't make the transition with us."
Many of the urban areas are dying ..... IMO America is dying as well. Or it is changing to suit only the WOKE & the PC.
I wouldn't argue against you. A common denominator in urban decay is every-increasing taxation. Add in the affect of failure to prosecute crime and you've a recipe for what's happening to law and order in places like LA, SF, Chi, NYC and other liberal crap holes. Throw in such other factors as the loss of faith and values, the dumbing down of education, etc. and you are well on your way to destroying civilized areas, if not the country.
Obviously, the companies that are moving away and leaving dying cities , are moving to someplace where they think it will be a better environment for company growth. Not all cities are dying, and some are actually growing, and also small rural communities are growing, and this seems to be happening in the conservative states where people can live without someone’s axe on their neck all the time. Here in Huntsville, Bobby and I are seeing new buildings and offices (HUGE ones !) being built just about everywhere we drive around town ; so it seems pretty certain that this area is growing, and growing rapidly. There has been talk of Amazon having their Blue Origin company here, and also of Tesla opening another of their giant battery factories. In north Idaho, the small towns there are seeing amazing growth and booming economy also. My family who live there have said that it costs more to buy/rent a place to live, and all of the other necessities of life than it does in places like the Seattle area, because so many new people are moving to north Idaho. People everywhere are starting to realize that if they work together, they can make a difference, and some of the “Woke” companies are losing millions of dollars every day because people are cancelling their accounts and buying elsewhere. Disney, Netflix, CNN and others who thought they were too big to fail, are now fighting off bankruptcy. The news is still showing the “crazy fringe”people like they are the majority ; but the truth is, every day, more and more people are progressing from Woke to Awake, and actually searching for truth, rather than just watching TV and believing what they are told.
Seems we are running out of low crime area's to run to. Daytona got too wild so we started going to Myrtle Beach we ll now its gone down also.
I thought parts of Myrtle had their gang problems. I used to go to South Myrtle Beach, but that was a very long time ago.
Speaking of crime, Townhall reported this today: The Chicago Police Department is preparing for a surge in violence over the Memorial Day weekend by canceling all upcoming days off for its officers as they are continuing to face a severe manpower shortage. ABC 7 Chicago reports an internal memo sent to officers states all days off are to be canceled for one full week between May 24 and 31 along with the possibility of being put on 12-hour work shifts during that time "if operational needs arises." It is expected that downtown retail corridors will get special attention during the holiday weekend. To make matters worse, 900 officers left CPD while only 51 joined between January and October 2021. This is a stark contrast to 2019, where 619 officers left the force and 444 joined the department. It started to get worse in 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic and BLM riots, where CPD saw 705 officers leave and 161 join. More at Source. My editorial: Voting in inexperienced and stupid ultra-progressive liberals to run your city has consequences you won't like unless you happen to be a criminal or "on the take." Now Chicago democratic politicos have on the make and on the take forever but the current bunch sets a new standard of low.
Soros money, destroying this nation at the local level. Lest folks be tempted to chalk this up to Chicago's long-term corrupt culture, the same types of Soros-funded idiots have been put into power in Northern Virginia counties, where some of the wealthiest and "highest-educated" people in the nation vote. You get Commonwealth Attorneys who refuse to enforce the laws that are on the books coupled with a parole board that lets convicted criminals out on the street, and you get Democrat-created chaos so that citizens will relinquish freedoms in order to "fix it."
Its too bad we let them teach out kids' to hate themselves,their nation and culture, nothing free about anarchy. When the streets were being taken over by criminals the men of all races and groups should have cleaned them up. Americans sat back and watched the fall of their children's future being stolen, thats not tolerant thats insanity. Our military has been indoctrinated also. So now there is nobody left to stand up to these tyrants. Anyone who does is attacked by other so called Americans. The whole world is falling apart so its the youth I feel sorry for. I can't believe America let Obama fire 197 top military brass, remember this, https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=6ac2...GFyeS1vZmZpY2Vycy1wdXJnZWQtYnktb2JhbWEv&ntb=1