Uvalde, Texas Elementry School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Faye Fox, May 24, 2022.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    The media needs to move on for a while and stop fanning the flames about our law enforcement. It is very easy to pass the blame game to a group of people who are structured to obey orders and not act as rogues. Especially a school setting where you have a building full of children. Had they rushed in and opened fire killing one or two or many children accidentally then today you would be hearing the same. It is so easy to blame someone for something that has been kicked around and politicized for years and years and even now being politicized so they can take normal citizens rights again. Leave our constitution alone and blame these people who keep the flames stoked. If you don't you will never get those rights back again unless you're prepared to die. No one is going to protect you but yourself. There are some really bad days over the horizon so be prepared for more of the same from the same people crying the loudest, they don't have your best interest at heart. The real enemy in this latest episode is the heathen that killed those children, not the police.
    Kate Ellery and Beth Gallagher like this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    NBC just said that the shooter was confronted by an armed school resource officer when he entered the school but he continued on.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I disagree. Without the pressure, law enforcement is going to concoct a story that absolves them, and nothing will be done.
    Faye Fox and Thomas Stillhere like this.
  4. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I'm afraid there are too many involved to actually control. Maybe select one force to respond, but then the best deterrence is no way in !!! I remember as a kid we would get those silly phone calls to our school saying a bomb was hidden and we would all be moved to the playground and boy did we love that. I cannot ever remember a mass killing at any of our schools nation wide in the 50s up until the recent past. It is definitely a culture thing and not something that is new. I still say all schools should have armed guards when open, lord knows enough money has been wasted just this past year on people who are not even citizens or taxpayers. This is why I say the politicians are to blame by not actually doing something worthwhile, but then that would interfere with their efforts to take our guns. Personally I like the M-14 and not that plastic wannabe rifle. In the Infantry you needed something to beat someone to death with if the gun failed. ;0) plus I could hit something most of the time with an M-14, not so much with an M-16, the aim is atrocious due to the wild movement of the barrel. I hope these newer MGs the military uses the same caliber are more stable. This photo is Infantry at Fort Ord early 66 using the M-14.

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  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I just watched Governor Abbott's press conference and was highly impressed at his sincerity and outrage at the failed police presence and the fact they lied to him initially.
    I partially agree and will say most media is guilty, but not the ones reporting accurately and unbiased that support real law enforcement. I think Gov, Abbot is doing the right thing and while not bashing law enforcement in general, is demanding that all law enforcement involved in this be investigated.

    Think of the fact that some of the parents were restrained, some with handcuffs which was a violation of their right to protect their children. A parent had every right to go in armed and attempt to take out the LONE gunman.

    There is NO sane reason for law enforcement to think this was other than an active shooter situation. NONE!

    The sheriff knowing it was a LONE shooter should have gone in with deputies immediately. Sure call for backup but go in and do the JOB he was elected to do. Save the lives of those defenseless teachers and kids.

    I will repeat that the first law enforcement responding are cowards and should have the badges ripped off their chests and made to pay compensation to the parents that lost children due to their cowardice. The medics depend on law enforcement to make it safe for them to get in and save lives.

    I am a full supporter of law enforcement and first responders if they do their job even when the possibility exists that they may be killed or may stand trial for making a wrong decision in haste.

    Law enforcement officers running to the scene just to stand around and plan for an hour is beyond any acceptable protocol.

    Also of concern to me is the violation of parents' rights and restraining them claiming they were interfering with a crime scene investigation, especially the FEDERAL officer that handcuffed at least one mother standing outside the fence. What a worthless piece of garbage this officer is. A coward and a thug in my opinion.

    Yes, it wasn't the gun's fault and gun control discussions are futile. It was the deranged killer's fault, but the fact remains many children could have been saved, maybe all of them, however, a series of unbelievable mistakes were made by school officials. They allowed the killer entrance was the most tragic. Police didn't run to the gunfire immediately but strategized for an hour. This was an unbelievable failure that cost the lives of many children. It was a historical failure!

    Is this our future? Police will stand back and strategize making sure all protocol made law by liberals is met? It seems that way when we review police being made to stand back and watch riots and killing and not be able to arrest anyone or if they do, the criminal is released. I am shocked that in a place like Uvalde, Texas the police didn't ignore all the liberal restraints and go in and save lives and answer questions later. I fear this will set a standard for law enforcement to wait. It will fuel the drive to ban semi-auto weapons. It will lead to crazed school kid killers using big knives while police stand around discussing a possible hostage situation. Think about it, no shots are heard so it cannot be an active shooter, so a kid texts we are being stabbed to death and the cops gotta figure out a plan, maybe call a negotiator even though NO COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE KILLER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED.

    I hope Abbot pushes this to the max and give Texas law enforcement more power to stop criminal behavior including those robbing and destroying business in broad daylight. Give business people the power to protect their business. Have at least one armed and highly trained guard at every school.

    We live in a dangerous time when the only people wanting to be law enforcement are cowards and have no intention of putting their lives in danger. Parents cannot protect their children without fear of constraint and possible criminal charges. People cannot protect their rightful property or even help the victim if they witness an attack. Turn your head and mind your own business is the battle cry of the future.
    Last edited: May 28, 2022
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Some interesting thoughts are showing up on Twitter news feed, with good questions.

    Also, it appears that the school WAS already under lockdown because of the gunshots in the area, which is why the missing security guard went to the school when he heard it on the radio . However, after the shots at the funeral home (when he crashed the pickup truck), someone opened the back door of the school, right beside where the truck crashed. That teacher than ran back inside, leaving the door open.

    Bobby Cole, Ken Anderson and Faye Fox like this.
  7. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Here is more including the fact that two police officers are caught on video watching as the shooter enters the open back door.
    Video: Newly Uncovered Footage Of The Texas School Shooter At The Backdoor Of The School Raises More Questions (defiantamerica.com)

    On this link you can see a video of the police taking down a frightened mother and holding off other parents as if they are criminals.


    This entire thing reeks of a Democrat-sponsored setup. Two police reported being ATF standing watching a guy armed with an AR-15 entering a school and doing nothing? What was the ATF doing there before the gunman? Police holding back citizens from acting? Something is bad wrong here and sure smells of a setup by Democrat-led ATF. They sponsored the big city killing of Black and Asian neighborhoods, they sponsor Antifa, and none of that has got them the power to confiscate guns. So is it hard to believe they sponsored a school massacre and chose Texas and a small border town mostly Latino and maybe selected the killer because of his online presence?

    Their news sources immediately started bashing the border patrol that ended this massacre as a thug in an elite right-wing militant group and one that had violated illegals' rights.

    I sure hope Abbott has the courage to get the facts out and take on the Federal government.
    Last edited: May 29, 2022
  8. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, there will be lawsuits, this, that and the other. But, just what is the Bottom Line here? How do we stop this stuff from happening?? There are law enforcement agencies that are saying, "it's not going to stop until something is done about it".
    Just what can be done, nobody seems to really know.
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Stop the federal government from sponsoring terrorism! That is what needs to be done. if you had bothered to watch the videos, you would clearly see that this was a planned setup. Too many unbelievable tactical errors were made for it to be a coincidence.

    Kids' lives are lost and others damaged mentally for life just so the damn Democrats can push through gun legislation that will lead to total gun confiscation. It isn't about AR 15s and such, It is about handguns and citizens' rights to defend themselves. Remember Waco? That was another Democrat-sponsored mass killing and Texas was the state chosen. They got away with it. Bad things are happening in this country and very few are willing to stand up against it or risk their lives to stop the fascist that has taken over our government. What will you do Cody when they come for your gun? I am guessing you will turn it in when they demand it.
    Bobby Cole and Yvonne Smith like this.
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Still being very, very harsh towards Democrats and that Party will always be in government.

    As far as our firearms, they could have them IF and when they came to get them. Seriously doubt that will ever/ever happen. Faye, we are too darn old to fight our government. I've never been the fighting type anyway and that's what my wife loves about me. Just look at what happened to many of those that fought against our government..........wound up in jail/prison.

    Anyway, Faye, think what you want to and post what you want to. There are those in America, including us, that don't really care. We love America!!!!
  11. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    More questions I have and cannot find the answer

    Who owned the pickup that the shooter drove and wrecked?

    When did the shooter get the driver's license he used to purchase the guns?

    Where did the shooter get the money to buy all the guns, clips, and ammo?

    What connection did the German girl he was online with play in this?

    Why did his grandpa say he didn't have a driver's license and didn't know how to drive?

    Why was the ATF on the scene immediately?

    Why were the ATF and other police strong-arming, handcuffing, or restraining parents demanding they do something?

    Why were the sheriff and local police afraid to act as they had been trained?

    Was the ATF in charge of this situation?

    Was the teacher that left the door open part of a planned massacre?

    Why wasn't the gun shop owner alarmed by such a purchase and notify the sheriff?

    Was the gun shop owner paid in cash?

    Why were some law enforcement that entered the school taking their own kids out before searching for and killing the shooter?
    (They should have secured those classrooms and gone immediately toward the classroom with the shooter)

    Why did the official stories changed by the hour and now daily?

    Why did law enforcement lie to the Governor?

    Was the shooter chosen by the ATF to commit this mass murder?
  12. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Really? You love America? You certainly don't post like you do. You are afraid to question any authority and think compliance makes you a lover of America. You said it all when you said you didn't really care. We are all too old to fight physically, but we can fight with words and actions of not complying with things like unconstitutional mandates. We can fight by asking questions and not allowing planned coups to take power and take our freedom. We can support those fighting for truth. We can work to keep our local governments working in our best interest.

    I love America and love little children and when they are used as pawns in a play to outlaw any gun that criminals can get despite the law, I am livid and speak out against those who as you say "you don't really care." Well, I am happy that your wife likes that you aren't the fighting type. She must be able to defend herself. I hope so for her sake.
    Ken Anderson and Beth Gallagher like this.
  13. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Ya know what we don't hear about? All the times guns SAVED lives because it doesn't fit the narrative!
  14. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    If people REALLY cared about school children, They would install metal detectors and locking doors (still have wired emergency EXITS) and stop waiting for gov't to fix things if it does not. Gov't only does what it wants. It does not help regular people. Just gives us crumbs because it knows we have work to do and can't stay on their butts. After a march or demonstration, the elected 'officials' just wait.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    As I've stated before and again and again.........none of us have to stay living in America.

    People can blame who they want to, but blaming will not change anything.

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