The geese were flying overhead this morning for pete's sake! And blackbirds flocking yesterday! I am not ready for the cold seasons!!!
We've had some good rains in the past 3 days. We got nearly 3" overnight and today, and the temps have been mild in the mid-80s. I'm loving the rain.
It is still lovely working weather which is making me nervous in August. This is more like October weather.
We're still working on the ark, but guess it beats drought and fires. And we do get some sun now and then ,thank goodness. It seems like its rained everyday since winter.
35 F. this morning and clear. The rain stopped last night and the clouds moved away. The weather people were predicting more rain, but OOPS, they goofed again. I have some painting to do outside, so I hope it warms and the rain keeps away for a few more days.
It rains here every single afternoon, sometimes mornings evenings too. Wrong forecast, so I deleted it.
We've been having a lot of rain, too... and it has been welcomed since we had such a dry spring/summer. Temps have been mild as well.
When I used to watch the weather on tv, it was introduced by 'weather center 5' or whatever number channel I was watching. Lately it is 'STORM center 5'. I was looking at my phone just now. In one section it forecast drizzles for today. In another it said there was a possibility of rain and that I should 'stay home, stay safe'. ???? The powers that be are still trying to control us. With weather 'scares' since covid did not work so well? I am NOT staying home because of rain. I have been out in storms and blizzards and heat because I have to. I don't need to be told what to do. Let me know if a tornado is bearing down on my home, ok, but are you kidding me? Maybe I should have put this in rants
It was 48 a couple of mornings ago, and it ended up being a cool sunny day, barely hit 70. But today it's beautiful, partly cloudy and mid-80s. But I can't sit out on my porch past 7-8 PM, starts getting chilly this time of year after it gets dark.
Here in our part of Texas, cooler, have have a fair amount of rain , with possibiity of more in the next week.