Liz Cneney was voted out, and Sarah Palin was given the nomination last night ! Could it be that the [often refered to as the old] Reagan republican party is on the way out ? And a new more {Trump like} party moving in ? Either way, I wish Mrs. Palin well, and I am pleased to see Ms Cheney go ! 2024 is going to interesting @ the least.
Palin hasn't won. The count will have to go through the "preference" process. To win outright, a candidate must have a majority of votes. No candidate in that race has that. There were two house races yesterday: one is a special election to replace Don Young, who died recently, and one to run in the general in November. The primary should move the "Top 4" vote getters to the general, but since Palin entered the race late, she split the Republican vote for the special election, and currently the Democrat is leading but without a majority. The other Democrat who was in the race dropped out so the Democrat vote would not be split.
Realizing that Palin wasn’t the most loved Governor of all time in Alaska, how do you think she’ll do Don?
She could be a fine legislator. As I said before, she was a good Wasilla mayor, as she broke up the "Good Ol' Boys Club" that controlled that city for many years, and she moved the airport there and built the best sports arena for high school sports in the state. She also took no guff from anyone. She is NOT a fiscal conservative however, as she almost taxed the oil industry out of Alaska by massively taxing them and spending huge amounts of money. As you can see here, she hasn't yet won. I don't know where that info is coming from. The democratic candidate is in the lead, but because of rank choice voting, Sarah will probably win in the end. Peltola would have to have a clear majority to win outright. You read my post earlier that we had dinner with her once and she and my wife were "swimming lesson moms" together, right?
Maine and Alaska were the first states to be saddled with rank choice voting, I think, because both states have relatively small populations as compared to land area, and are therefore more susceptible to outside influences, given that large portions of our populations are separated from their government, and clueless about what's going on. I know that rank choice voting was not something thought up by a Mainer. The end result is that election results are incomprehensible to the general public so the bureaucrats and government insiders pretty much decide who won.
Yes, I did indeed. Tell me if I got this right. Ranked choice voting is much the same as taking a survey in which one rates a product on a scale of 0-5 or 0-6 or whatever. No matter how many vote, it’s the person who averages the highest ranking who wins. If I’m even almost right…..that pretty much sucks.
Kinda like that. As Ken said, Alaska and Maine were the first to be saddled with this, but it will come to others if it is allowed. In the Palin race, one Republican has been running for some time to go against the senior member of the House in November. He comes from a prominent political family in Alaska that is a Democratic power house, but has actually (not as a ploy) turned his back on his family and become a conservative. Unfortunately, Don Young died and there has to be a special election to elect his replacement for the remainder of his term and that, for some reason, bring Palin into the Alaska political scene. The guy who has been running against his family and has been campaigning for months is kinda pushed aside when Trump endorses Palin for the special election. As a consequence, there were 49 candidates running for the seat, and 4 moved on--2 Dems and 2 Reps. One of the Dems dropped out of the race, so you would think the #5 person would be moved up, but not so. That left 1 Dem and 2 Reps in the race and the conservative vote is then split and the liberal vote is combined. Unless the Dem gets over 50% of the vote, Sarah will probably win as conservative vote will then be combined to one candidate unless some of the Reps didn't vote for the other Rep as a second choice. If the conservatives didn't rank their vote, the Dem may win a long-term Republican seat in the house, albeit only until the new term, but giving Nancy P. another vote in the House in not a good thing. The ranked choice vote as I have said was financed to get Murkowski (Senate) and Walker (governor ) elected. It may work. I just don't know. It appears from the results that Walker has been soundly defeated. We have to wait for the results to see if Murkowski and her corruption wins the day.
Those of you proclaiming "Palin won!"... Where are you getting this information? It seems like any information on the Alaska election isn't forthcoming. I look at the vote count information from Alaska and it appears that a Democrat got more votes than any Republican, so I'm totally in the dark about how this all works...??? (And "Lady Duchess"... seriously? )
One of the problems we have in Maine is that because Republicans generally don't like rank-choice voting, they pretend that it doesn't exist and refuse to participate in it, voting for one candidate only. As intended, this gives the Democrat the advantage.