We only buy Kentucky Legend ham and so far it is still $4.43 lb at Walmart. Oddly the turkey is15 a lb!? Am sure ours will go up also. In fact prices may really start to soar since so many places are in drought to the point that boats cant get thru canals.
I don't notice the prices of individual items that much, but my total grocery bill has just about doubled in the past few months. Ridiculous!
My area has no walmart, maybe 60 miles away or so. Our town is an extension to Hollywood, many celebs live here and prices of everything are higher....it was a nice siple beach town when I moved here 57 yrs ago, pricey enough but now OMG. Turkeys are not available around here. ummmm.....
We ain't seen nothing yet if what they say about diesel fuel and trucks being parked this fall and winter.
Biden is going to save us. Now he's proposing MORE TAXES on those horrible oil companies that are making a profit. How dare they?? (And just who does dumbwad think will end up paying those "additional taxes????") Fool.
My Walmart has frozen turkeys ranging in price from 88¢ a pound to $2.08 a pound. The generic Butterballs are $1.18 per pound. Food Lion has one choice on their website (but likely more on the store) @ $2.29 a pound. I imagine they'll have the "55¢ per pound when you buy $100 in groceries" specials in a couple of weeks.
Well, CA has been home for 57 yrs and YES many turkeys and Hollyweird, but Hollywood has entertained the world for decades....so can't totally knock it. I've loved buying no wintercoats and boots and chains and snow tires...so there are Tradeoffs in my life here. The cost of SUN and WARM weather has gone sky high. The last effective president was from the Hollywood world, more or less.
I don't buy in bulk and never buy steak anymore..ground beef, turkey or lamb when I need a meat fix in my soups. And I'm very happy that I have the traditional turkey feast out of my life, I did plenty of them and yearn for none of that. I'd be happy with a chinese "fix".................
That's cheap: As much as I like to cook, and as much as I like to eat, something like this would never make my bucket list.