To this day, I am not sure if I was actually out of my body, or if it was just an amazingly real dream; but it certainly did make me wonder about having an OBE. It was late at night, I had been sleeping soundly, and then for some reason started to wake up. As I was waking up, I distinctly heard soft rythmic breathing coming from beside me. Thinking that it was Bobby; I was drifting back off to sleep------and then I jolted awake as I remembered that Bobby was not in the house with me. I was lying there in a serious panic ! ! I had no idea WHO could possibly be in the house with me, nor why they would be sleeping so peacefully beside me, if someone had somehow gotten into the house. I was afraid to move, but I knew that I had to look and see who was there. Just as I was working up enough courage to turn my head and look, I felt something change, and suddenly, the only breating was coming from inside me. No one else was there. Was I outside of my body, but lying next to myself ? Was it all a dream ? I will probably never know for sure......
Hey Yvonne and all. I used to have horrible nightmares as a kid. I'd get out of bed and float down the stairs, pass through the front door (without having opened it) and maybe even fly about. It wasn't until years later that I realized that those terribly realistic dreams were actually OBEs. For several years in my 30s I actively practiced techniques for bringing about OBEs. One of the most "successful" techniques was to imagine I was driving along a country road with a lot of hills. I would imagine the drive, the road itself, the scenery. As I felt myself closer and closer to dropping off, I would purposefully speed up at the top of a hill or drive straight off the road when I should have taken a curve. Often, then, I'd find myself flying out of my body and experiencing an OBE. One of the most disconcerting things for many who experience OBEs is the incredible realism of the sensations involved. Perhaps it is feeling totally awake, though everything around you is dream-like. Could be you actually look back at the bed and see yourself sleeping peacefully there. In any case, if you have an OBE and accept it as something natural and even wonderful, you can find yourself consciously participating in your dream, writing the script, doing things you can't when awake. It's been a while since I've had one, but will try to do so this evening. Out of practice, but that doesn't mean that it won't happen! peace, revel.
I have experienced a couple of out of body experiences during meditation. I didn't really believe in such things, but it was kind of hard to deny. I know several people who talked about them, but I just assumed that they were a little bit crazy. I have a science degree. I just to put a lot of stock in things that I could see, feel and quantify. I have experienced several unusual things during meditation, but I was very slow to even admit them. I just told myself I was dreaming (even though I knew that I wasn't sleeping) to talk myself out of what I experienced.
Last night I had another strange dream that was similar to the one that seemed like an OBE. This one was definitely not an OBE , because I was aware of actually being in my body; but it was not just a normal dream, either. I had been dreaming something that I don't remember; but it was a regular jumbled up dream like is normal for me. As I started to wake up a little, and turned over in the bed; but before I had really gone back to a deep sleep (or so it seemed, at any rate), I distinctly felt someone beside me in the bed. Again, I thought it was Bobby snuggling up to me and putting his arm around my shoulder; but then I remembered that it was the outside of the bed, and there was not enough room for anyone to be between myself and the edge of the bed. I was not afraid this time; but I was puzzled about who was there. Then , as I started to be more aware of being awake, and hearing the sound of Bobby sleeping and breathing in his usual place on his side of the bed; the whole feeling of someone being next to me just disappeared, and it was my own hand that was on my shoulder. The first thing that I wondered was if someone had died and was there to tell me goodbye; but I had no idea who it might be, and as far as I know, no one has died that might want to tell me goodbye, either. It was an interesting experience, and unlike anything that I have ever dreamed before.
WOW! I had never heard of OBE experiences like the ones mentioned! How interesting and a bit spooky. I found this site about it: * Though I've never experienced it during a meditation my Mom said she went out of body and was flying over a cane field in the country side of Oahu. She's 90 now. I though have never experienced OBE ever.
I believe in them although I haven't had one. I've had other unusual experiences but not OBE. I have seen someone else have one 4 or 5 different times. I woke the person up and asked them and they did not remember the experience at all. Not something I talk about much though, outside of our family.
Hi, I am a Lucid Dreamer and have had several OBE's since childhood, - they are not the same thing. A genuine OBE will always be remembered , every single detail. Lucid Dream memories are more fleeting which is why regular Lucid dreamers write everything they remember experiencing down on paper the moment they awake. From Yvonne's post I would surmise that she had an experience of " night - terrors ", this is often misunderstood and can actually be used to induce a Lucid Dream, but it doesn't fit the criteria of an OBE. I can recommend some literature for anyone who is interested in learning more about either subject. Yvonne's second dream confirms this belief. The mixed up jumbled dream originates from being half-awake/half asleep. The subconscious memories of the day are only glimpsed consciously because the sub-conscious thinks in images. The conscious mind needs time to interpret these but the sub-conscious images are too rapid-fire to actually make sense.Hence the apparent illogical nature of most dreams. The hand on the shoulder likewise registered in the half-awake street just as a hand and not as Yvonne's hand. This again fit's with the theory's regarding "night-terrors". i hope this helps.
I'm the same @Billie Lane , I'm a chronic Lucid dreamer.... I had what I believe to be an OBE when I was 7 years old and rushed to hospital for an emergency appendectomy . It was the middle of the night... and to this day I can remember every detail of that possible OBE. bearing in mind I'd never seen a surgeon or the inside of an operating theatre or what the surgeons wore during surgery... I remember very well looking down on my body from a height...and watching 2 doctors wearing green scrubs ... and several nurses frantically working over my body. I was watching this as though I was detached from the whole thing in the sense that it was someone else on that operating table and I was just literally a fly on the ceiling... I watched as they used several different instruments on my body... and then I woke up being violently sick, in a very dark ward where there was one nurse sitting at a nursing station with one little lamp..who immediately jumped up and ran to get a bedpan for me to throw up into... It was many years later after describing this ''dream' to my mother in my teens and describing the instruments they used on me ( my mother was a nurse) that she told me the surgeons had to fight to save my life that night and at one point through the surgery they thought I was not going to make it... !
@Holly Saunders - Worldwide, surgeons have been fascinated by patients accounts of OBE They decided to do their own experiments and would place objects high and unseen from below They also used names and specific words They were amazed at the results, people were able to name the objects and what was said during procedure
@ Janice Martin, Hi janice, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. A bereavement in the family has meant i have not been active on the forum for a little while. I will get back to you tomorrow regarding the literature on Lucid Dreaming and O.B. E's. I am rather tired and un-focused just now.
@ Holly Saunders your experience at 7 years old sounds very much like a genuine OBE. @ Janice Martin if you are interested in Astral Projection or Lucid Dreaming the following books are recommended. Projection Of The Astral Body - Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, Practical Guide to astral Projection - Denning & Phillips Recommended for learning Lucid dreaming. Lucid Dreaming - Stephen LaBerge Ph.D ( includes Induction CD.) Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming - Stephen LaBerge Ph.D & Howard Rheingold Lucid Dreaming - Plain & Simple. - Robert Waggoner & Caroline McCready. The Tibetan Yogas of Dream & Sleep - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche All of these should be available on Amazon or ordered via Waterstones. I recommend the first one for beginners. People take different lenghs of time to experience their first Lucid Dreaming.For some it is almost instant, others may take several weeks , while others several months. Perseverence is the key and remember that after the first time it is a lot easier after that. I would also recommend following the Wake Back To Bed instructions diligently, as it does help to make your first L.D. happen sooner. p.s. sorry this information is late, life for me is rather hectic at present.
The closest I ever got to a "lucid dream" was a terrifying chemically induced experience I once had decades ago. It was life changing. But that probably doesn't qualify, no?
Well if it was life changing it qualifies as something I would think, was it on some drug?? You don't have to reply...