Chocolate chip cookies. I usually keep some in the freezer, but there is nothing like a fresh warm cookie right out of the oven.
Is no one cooking anymore? Haven't been as much, but fixing to do some more deserts soon. Doing a Heavenly Coconut Cake, now. I will put up a photo when done.
I cook all the time! I just don't want to inundate nor bore folks with photos, and I could do that easily.
Oven baked skinless boneless chicken breast coated with homemade toasted breadcrumbs; seasoned, with garlic rice and herbs, and steamed broccoli.
Put this in Crock Pot this morning for supper. Small beef roast, potatoes, carrots, and a couple of onions. Let's eat and have a sprite.
How about the worst ever? Walmart does not carry the brand of tamales we use to eat. I boought the Chaparros beef ones , only brand they had. We will do without before ever buying this Mesa overload and tasteless mess !