I would assume that, if the conservatives here went to a basically liberal forum, feathers would fly also. Talking politics and religions causes that. We are all entrenched and don't understand how the other party can possibly think as it does. I always thought of you as a guiding hand here. But feathers be damned.
Reminder: Please try not to be overly offensive. Please try not to be too easily offended. Play well with others.
Wow, just wow. Not that there's anything at all wrong with "flying the multicolored banner," but my sexual orientation is absolutely none of your business. This is another example of you being incapable of discussing issues without turning the conversation to a personal level.
Sorry about that. I was taught that there’s no such thing as a stupid question but beware of the the answers for they might be in doubt. I mean, is not the new woke liberal hive mind concentrating more on pronouns based on sexual attraction than the actual character of a person? Again, I didn’t ask in order to hurt your feelings but also again, I do not mix nor mince my words so if you deemed the question to be out of bounds and doesn’t warrant an answer, I understand and apologize if it made you feel uneasy. But, please do consider the fact that since you told me that I was being condescending by writing “dear” in a salutation that there might possibly be a pronoun by which I you might find more respectful. Sorry, my bad. Now, as probably my last entry into a conversation that has not even a small visible essence of actual grace among two factions, I have another question or maybe two….or more. What is not personal about telling someone they are a racist without even a hint of racism being exampled? What is not personal about all the other labels and name calling you have so freely thrown around? What is not personal about telling someone they hate their own country? It has been my experience that one attribute most liberals that I have come across outside of this forum is that they do resort to such name calling for lack of any other qualifiers that could be called intelligent dialog so why is that? Most certainly, there are a few other Democrats / Liberals that are hard line members here but they do none of the intentional trolling for self aggrandizement that you have done so why is that? Are you more well founded than they or is it possible that we are all intelligent enough not to be carriers of ill will and truly wish to learn from each other and without setting trivial traps in the name of virtue? Notably, you do not have to answer any of those questions for my sake because thus far, I have learned nothing new so what is the point in wasting my time? Maybe a good time for a rousing game of toe ketch.
I noticed your recent comment in which you acknowledge your are "partially responsible for this thread going down the tubes and for that, I do humbly apologize to my SoC family. Also, if I have offended anyone or if anyone in my SoC family finds me being offensive, I apologize for that also." How sincere is your apology when you continue to challenge my opinions and insult my character? You are an instigator and confrontational. Note that this thread didn't turn nasty until you jumped into the fray. To be clear, my feelings are not hurt at all. You have not made me feel uneasy. Don't flatter yourself. If you're not learning anything new from this discussion, then yes...why waste your time? No one is forcing you to contribute to the dialogue.
Asking questions is not meant to be confrontational but informational so if you cannot provide the answers then so be it…. G’nite Alice….
I have always found it offensive to judge the crime and the penalty based on the motive rather than just a crime. Crimes should be judged on the crime, not the motive. I understand why these offensive (to me) laws were passed, and Wyoming is now the only state that does not have a "Hate Crime" law, but I still think it is wrong.
I was a registered D for about 60 yrs and the Party of today is so GONE GONE GONE.... I have liberal leanings, I have conservative leanings, but I don't believe in giving the MONEy all away to t hose who don't deserve it... Same with pro choice and pro life, I am in both camps. And killing all the babies all over the world with our wars????? That is OK?????
I was an independent. I registered Republican for Ron Paul's last run. He was painted as an isolationist because he wanted us out of controlling the world. He wanted to trade with it instead. The the Republicans changed the rules as they saw him gaining ground, to the point they would not even let him into the convention. That is when I knew we were totally heading downhill, fast.
I really hate political parties. Right now I’m registered as a Libertarian but I’ve registered as lots of things over the years. I’m mainly registered as a Libertarian now because I don’t want to support either of these running jokes that comprise the two party system we have. I am just disgusted beyond words at the state of politics. George Washington was exactly right. “"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." FAREWELL ADDRESS | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1796” https://www.mountvernon.org/library...-the-power-of-the-people-and-to-usurp-for-th/
This a great video and spells it out with facts. Anyone who is in doubt that most of us here on this thread, love our country, they are sadly mistaken. I will speak for myself here in saying that it is because I love my United States of America, that I fight against any lies, horrific indoctrination of our children (the list goes on), and the total destructive, inadequacy of this present administration.
Here is just one thing (HUGE) on liberal-thinking. I don't know that all liberals believe this, but it has to be a very calculated plan for it to infest our children's school libraries. The video has censored the worst pics, but, if you shy at explicit "word descriptions" here's my warning for you. I'm glad we still have people in office that are fighters for our laws & constitution: