Oh boy. I'm still trying to find the cause of my muscle cramps/spasms and read that taking PPIs for an extended time can cause that. So of course I stopped taking Prilosec immediately (4 days ago). The first couple of days went OK... seemed like I was going to be able to handle it. Then yesterday evening... POW!! I experienced the heartbreak of Rebound Acid Hypersecretion. It is commonly referred to as "rebound acid reflux" and it is miserable. I have tried several things, like vinegar, Pepcid Complete, baking soda in water, etc. but nothing helps. Well... the Pepcid did help for about an hour but then the burning came back. So I broke down today and took a Prilosec. Now I'm reading about how to effectively wean myself off. I know a lot of you suffer with heartburn or acid reflux, so how do you handle it?
I have posted about my wife's bouts with that problem. She was on PPIs for decades, and when symptoms started to reappear, she would be switched to another, presumably stronger PPI. After she actually followed my recommendation and saw an Integrative doc, I tried to get her to wean her self off. Oh no, she had to do it her way and went cold turkey. She had almost no problems, as she had changed her diet and had no rebound or further problems. Now the only time she has issues is if she strays from her diet. A diet change might be the answer for you as well, but it wouldn't be pretty, as you might have to give up your favorite stuff.
I see that you tried vinegar. That has worked for me with rare exception for a couple of years. I've often wondered about those in our age group taking PPIs, since our acid production is lowered. You're already off the refined carbs, so I don't now what else you could eliminate.
They have different flavors. I took German Chocolate, but when I couldn't get a flavor that I thought I would like, I took the licorice. I don't like licorice flavor but it was not too awful.
Oh... I "assumed" it would all taste like licorice since it's licorice root or something. I could probably do best with the capsules but I read that it's better to chew it up.
I took this brand but it's not available anymore. It was caramel flavor. Nature Way makes a german chocolate flavor. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004YZ96RA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
She has found that not all carbs bother her. She can eat potatoes fine, but not rice or grains. She can eat stuff made with seed meal like coconut and almond. Garlic and onions bother her, but she can use garlic oil or green onions. I think everyone is different, but that is her experience. She cannot use milk, but she can use coconut or almond milk, and she can eat aged cheeses is small to moderate quantities, but no soft cheeses.
I have given up carbs because my A1C has crept into "pre-diabetes" range. I've never had any food sensitivity that I know of, but I have a hiatal hernia that causes a lot of discomfort from reflux.
I'm sure you've tried lemon water, don't know Beth Jake and I deal with it at times, lemon water helps me. But then I also use baking soda and vinegar now and then.