I had possums in the attic of the first house I lived in in Florida. I swear they were klompen dancing in army boots up there.
When I was 19, I went out to my car to find an Opossum sitting under it. I had a hot date & was in a hurry to get to her house. I shined a flashlight at him, thinking it would scare him away. He stood on his hind legs & climbed up into the engine. I'm thinking, "Now What...I can't start my car; I don't want Opossum chunks flying." I opened the hood & waited 30 minutes, but he wouldn't leave. He liked Hondas; he had good taste. I beeped the horn & he left. I was an hour late to my date's house & when I told her what happened, she didn't believe me. She said, "That's the best story I've ever heard."
Yes, at the barn I have a feed bag that I put empty cat food cans in with other recyleables. I went in to drop a can but as I opened the bag, there was a medium possum in it. I folded it shut and took him for a ride to the RR tracks. Plenty of space for a possum. Didn't feel like killing that day.
I won't say anything about a woman creating a thread titled "The Strange Ways in Which a Man's Brain Works," and then asking if we have possums in our bathtubs. Yup. Those strange male brains...
This struck me so funny as I was literally just thinking why do I mess up what I read sometimes?? I realized today that when I'm reading, I see the first two or so letters of a word and make up what the word it must be and not bother to see the other letters!! Like if it's the word "anything", I will just see the "an" and figure it says "another". I know what you're thinking, and so am I, my brain is truly beginning to malfunction
That's actually a completely normal thing to to. Here's is an article on it: Breaking the Code: Why Yuor Barin Can Raed Tihs Live Science I cannot find the example paragraph with missing letters and words, yet we just read it without realizing that parts are missing.