So far, the only time that I have heard of Project 2025 has been from Democrats who prefer to run against it, whatever it is, than against Trump.
Trump is not a Conservative, although both the Left and the Right try to make him one. He is a populist first and a Nationalist second probably. He is running as a Republican because it is the only practical way to accomplish what he wants to do. Trump was a Democrat for most of his life because that helped him in New York, but the Democrats have become so wacky that not many who are not power-hungry autocrats wants to be associated with the party anymore.
If you're interested, you can learn a bit more of it here, courtesy of the Heritage Foundation.
I see someone was able to wake Biden up at this late hour. Of course, he won't even speculate that it could have been an assassination attempt.
I think Candace Owens is right. The Democrats are sorry only that Trump survived. They didn't plan on that.
They're not on the ballot, but every presidential election year they come up with policies that they would like the Republican candidate to follow should they win. That's what Project 2025 is.
Lots of thoughts going through my mind this morning. The brief information posted about the shooter make no sense to me. He is said to be 20 years old and a registered Republican who contributed to Act Blue which is a very leftwing progressive organization. He's said to be a high school graduate who won a $500 academic award on graduation. What the hell? That doesn't sound like an assassin to me. Of course this is after two other young men were identified by name, incorrectly. Never trust the first news reports or any FBI reports. The FBI is running the investigation. They are so compromised, corrupt and anti-Trump that nothing coming from them is reliable in my eyes. I hope there will be other sources who are in a position to report actual truth. The advance teams of the Secret Service are under fire themselves this morning for their huge failure to secure near rooftops within rifle range. That is not something that could be just overlooked. It seems deliberate to me but I'm not surprised. Joe Biden called for putting Trump in the bullseye just a few days ago. That said, the Secret Service team that was the closest protection for Trump was outstanding. They put themselves in the line of fire instantly, which is their job. Thanks for letting me post my thoughts.
Hi Vada, pretty much my thoughts exactly. I see more and more that there are good people in all places, as those that surrounded President Trump were truly heros. I used to wonder where his protection was but they are obviously very, near-by. There are just poisonous snakes allowed to run about freely in this country, and the world. The only thing I see I can do is to recognize them. That's so impossible for me, and I can't honestly accuse anyone else for not seeing it. The people that seemingly "blindly" listen and follow the wickedness just are as incapable of seeing it because they have not found the Truth. I know for certain, Trump's life was protected by a power greater than man-kind. I am praying hard that this is some kind of a wake up call to millions more Americans.
I love people that say what they mean and mean what they say. That's why I love Trump, from the beginning I said "he is saying what I want to say". A man of the people.
Oh yes, that is typical. How dare him run for President, how dare him put all those people's lives at stake. We are up against an Evil this country has never fully been aware of. Time to wake up and join the fight.
True, the left, Trump-dislikers and haters, would choose biden now, and more of them would probably turn-coat, again, against trump if they thought some democrat would do better for them.
I was told that Elon Musk has pledged $45 million a month to the Trump campaign between now and November after the assassination attempt. Is this true? Has anyone seen this?
I just saw that Kamala Harris challenged J.D. Vance to a VP debate, and the Trump-Vance campaign replied that they didn't know who the Democrat nominee would be and to accept a challenge from Harris would be unfair to Gavin Newsome and others who Kamala Harris may choose to be her running mate. Zing!