Dunno. Ben Carson is a very well known Neurosurgeon yet instead of maybe putting him in the Surgeon General’s spot, Ben wound up being in charge of HUD. Carson did a great job and caught a lot of “monetary misplacements” and maybe that’s where he wanted to be but I would have thought he’d be the head of something a little closer to his profession.
HUD needs to go. It is one of the most corrupt agencies there are. Gee, what do you think happens when politicians and developers get together to spend our money?
The Secret Service has another would-be Trump assassin on the loose. Manhunt underway in Arizona for suspect who threatened to kill Trump as former president lands in border state https://www.foxnews.com/us/manhunt-underway-arizona-suspect-who-threatened-kill-trump-former-president-lands-border-state
I would be glad to see all of them. Take the gloves off. But Dan Bongino just aired that 'rent a riot' is actually a thing and the plans are to use it too if Trump wins in November.
That is what I meant when I said that many of the "protestors" are professional rabble-rousers and will do what they do for whomever pays them.
STFUT... Shut The F%^&* Up Trump,,, so very tired of listening to him moan, groan, belittle, lie.. I wish no bodily harm to him or others but if he lost his voice I would tap dance across Texas
Good morning to all- Ms. Mitchell- thank you very much for these words. Your opinion and wishes are spot on. If ever a man needed to shut up, the former occupant is surely that man. We can do better- much better. you all be safe and keep well- Ed.
Remember last year when Trump endorsed Sarah Palin for the House from Alaska, thus ensuring a Democrat win here? He did it again this year by endorsing a latecomer to the race again in the person of the Lieutenant Governor of Alaska, who decided at the last minute to join the race. Alaska Republicans have now united against the Trump-endorsed candidate, and Byron Donalds (NOT an Alaskan) has come out publicly asking her to step out of the race. She was pummeled by her own Facebook group and they demanded she step away from the election. Reports are now that she has removed her name from the ballot. Alaska is strongly for Trump, but his endorsements stink are are, in part, responsible for the fact that the Republicans didn't gain the Senate in 2022. Hopefully he won't endorse many more candidates.
Still can't wait for the debate so we can find out exactly what policies they stand for. I thought the same about his tweets. If he could just shut up... He should try to be concise and then stop.
We don't need to wait for a debate to find out where Trump stands on the issues. Here's a link to Trump's campaign platform on his campaign website. You will see a list of his 20 core promises to Americans. There is a link to the GOP platform there as well. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/platform Give us a link to Kamala's platform. What is she promising? Which of her issues do you like better? Make a comparison.
Did Trump make a prediction in one of his speeches? I just heard that Trump gave in one of his speeches a warning to "watch what happens in Taiwan after the Olympics." Did anyone hear such a warning? It has been noted that most of our naval assets are in and around the Middle East now, and we have no CVNs in the western Pacific at the moment. Is Taiwan being set up for invasion? No one has seen the President since he stepped away from the nomination except for that disjointed midnight speech at the convention. Who is minding the store?
All I can find is that Trump did talk about that, but it was after the 2022 Olympics that were in Beijing , not the ones this summer. Here is a post about that, that I found, but I did not find anything that pertains to this summer Olympics.