Pope Criticizes Harris And Trump, Tells Us Catholics To Choose " Lesser Evil "

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Vada Bloom, Sep 14, 2024.

  1. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT — Pope Francis on Friday criticized both former U.S. President Donald Trump over his plan to deport millions of immigrants and Vice President Kamala Harris over her stance supporting abortion rights.

    Asked about the U.S. presidential election on his flight back to Romefrom Singapore, the pope said not welcoming migrants is a “grave” sin, and likened having an abortion to an “assassination.”

    He said U.S. Catholics would have to “choose the lesser evil” when they vote in November, without elaborating.

    “Not voting is ugly,” the 87-year-old pontiff said. “It is not good. You must vote.”

    “You must choose the lesser evil,” he said. “Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know. Everyone, in conscience, (has to) think and do this.”

    On Friday, Francis said both candidates’ policies are “against life.”

    “Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one who kills children,” said the pope. “Both are against life.”


    Pope Francis is known for expressing controversial opinions about US politics. This one might be the most interesting of all.
    Denise Evans likes this.
  2. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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  3. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The Vatican has armed guards protecting its border.
  4. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    ...and I don't believe they allow women to reside in the Vatican except for the wives of the Swiss Guards. That REALLY sounds like someone who shouldn't be criticizing other nation's immigration policies. The current Pope is something of a weasel and a bit like Biden in that he cannot think straight. He is, however, an absolute monarch within the Vatican--although not really in the Church as a whole--and therefore very much against democracy in any form within the nation he controls. I can understand his being against abortion since that is part of the Church's dogma and has been for centuries. He is a nasty, nasty man and the upside is he is 87 years old and in ill health.
  5. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    oops, I clicked the wrong button :( wanted to just comment on people who love to tell us what to do that are far better protected from the things of this world. I look and listen to American citizens living on or near the open-borders before I'd listen to the Pope, or a hollywood star, pfffffft. I don't believe in abortion. If the baby has died in the mother's womb than yes, but not because of some "doctors" meat-hooks.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2024
    Ed Wilson and Vada Bloom like this.
  6. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Blah, blah. People (no matter what hat they wear) outside the USA have no input on our elections. So the pope needs to keep his mind on his own business-- hiding child molesters and counting his gold.
  7. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    It looks like we are all more or less in agreement about the pope commenting on our politics. However, he is the leader for the Catholics in America and maybe some Catholics agree with him but even some of the high leaders in the US Catholic church do not. He has been challenged by some of them over receiving Pelosi at the Vatican when she is openly pro-abortion. He is a hypocrite.

    Europe is suffering under the weight of many Muslims who have invaded their countries in the same way that the US has been invaded.

    This pope is in poor health but as I remember him he has always been known to be a leftist and has meddled in our politics since his earliest days in office.

    In case it isn't obvious I'm not Catholic but I would like to hear some who are Catholic comment on what he said. As I remember it the previous pope was well respected by almost everyone, not just Catholics.
  8. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    LOL, now tell us what you really think Don ;) Hey, don't misunderstand, I'm right with you ;)
  9. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    The catholic "religion as they see it" seems to be very wide-spread and I think I know one, good reason. That is you can go there and confess your sins to a "person" and be saved. Now I'm not positive about that, and have kept a wide distance from them because of my mother and grandmother, and things they went through with being raised catholic.

    It's interesting how many movies depict church as "always" a catholic church. Also, when the Left in power of this country, started wanting to appear as christians, but imo, they failed showing us they are actually catholic. IMO there is a huge difference between the two religions, which I don't call christianity a religion at all, but no need to spend time on that.
    Mary Stetler and Vada Bloom like this.
  10. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    @Denise Evans I regularly attend a Catholic Church, but nonsense like this is one of many reasons I am not a member/Catholic. I will probably never join another church again, but I find church attendance to be a good thing for me.
    Vada Bloom likes this.
  11. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I don't understand your post @Denise Evans. What two religions are you speaking of? Catholicism, together with Orthodoxy, are the basis of all Christianity. Christian denominations share about 85% of their beliefs. The "Christian Church", a combination of the Eastern and Western churches, grew up in a pagan world, so the formation of beliefs was greatly affected by that fact. Protestantism, on the other hand, developed in and already-Christianized society, so that made some things easier and others harder. Protestantism IMO just removed things from the already-established Christian beliefs. I don't know that much ,if anything, was added.

    Confession doesn't "save" anybody. It was developed in a world without psychology, so it gave people a chance to air their sins and other issues to someone who would listen but could tell no one else what was said. As a sacrament, Confession allows the priest to absolve sins under Matthew 18:18, " “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Supposedly, anything forgiven in Confession is accompanied by a promise to "sin no more". Salvation is not a one-time thing in Catholicism; it has to be earned every day. Some of the nastiest people I have ever known were "saved" Christians who had nothing to fear from damnation. There is hypocrisy in all religions, cults and sects.
  12. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I just don't see the likenesses between "what I know" of catholiscism. I don't know enough to debate about it, but it's one "church" I've never had a desire to attend. Just the way I stay away from anything that I just intuitively feel is not good for me. You can go ahead and try to teach me, but really I'm pretty sold out on the bible, and if it's in there, than I'm ok with it.

    One thing I know is that I'm forgiven because of what Jesus did on the cross, He opened the path to all (Jewish and Gentiles) to be saved. I don't go to church because I need to be saved, I go to learn more about The Word (Jesus).

    Hypocrisy is a human thing, and every human is a finite creature, that just needs to know the infinite God. There are no perfect people, I am certain of that too ;)

    Sorry @Vada Bloom didn't mean to go off topic. I won't say anymore about the religion thing.

    I just see your post as yet another "human" that doesn't know what is happening in the real world. Sheltered, protected, yet they have to be heard with their opinions :rolleyes: I'm just glad I don't feel the need to bow down to a pope and kiss his ring to get to heaven.
    Mary Stetler and Vada Bloom like this.
  13. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Denise, no need to apologize to me. I think your conversation with Don is interesting. Most threads drift. If anyone wants to comment on the pope they will.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Lesser of two evils? That is a highly reckless statement made by someone who is supposed to lead not only a sovereign country but the whole Roman Catholic Church.
    How about, choose the one whom you believe will best lead the country into a more prosperous and peaceful era?
    How about, choose the one you believe is more qualified in the realm of national and international economics and can speak to world leaders in a manner that they understand ?

    Now, if the Pope was really that attentive and did his own studies on the duo, he would have had a fit when Kamala misquoted and misused Luke 1:79 when she was speaking to the Methodist church.
    She omitted a few words in the verse in order to make it suit her own purposes.
    Note: Personally, I am surprised that those who were listening to her speech didn’t catch the intentional misnomer.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024
  15. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I didn't hear her speech, but this does not surprise me. I'm so glad you posted @Bobby Cole because this really hits the nail on the head. You said it right imo as this topic has been going through my head since it came up. The bible is often misquoted, or words/verses taken out of context, and kamala loves to "use" her words to manipulate people, whether she is just ignorant of the truth, or does it on purpose.

    Lesser of 2 Evils, don't know who started this one, but man/woman are not evil, but they allow evil to guide their lives, maybe unknowingly.

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