Every Church Should Be Involved In Operating A School

Discussion in 'Education & Learning' started by Ken Anderson, Sep 22, 2024 at 4:17 PM.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    We have churches worldwide, many of which have massive, magnificent buildings, some used a couple of hours per week. Commonly acknowledged problems among Christians, particularly those who are among the more conservative Christians, are that 1)the public schools are indoctrinating children in antitheist beliefs, and 2) young people are leaving the church and not returning.

    When I was a member of one of the Baptist churches here, the congregation was one of the largest in the area, after the Catholic and Congregational. They have a basement area with about a dozen classrooms, some larger rooms, and a gymnasium. I don't think anyone even cleans down there anymore. Very few people under thirty regularly attended church; most were much older. Parents brought their very young children, but children twelve and older were allowed to stay home, and they did. The school routinely scheduled practices on Sunday mornings for those involved in school sports programs, so that took priority, as did everything else. When these kids grow up and marry, the likelihood that they will be regular churchgoers is very low.

    Of course, some churches do have Christian schools, but many of these are operated separately from the church, are often quite expensive, and focus on providing a better academic program than the public school. This is fine, but there are few, if any, elements of a ministry in these schools, and they do not contribute much to enhancing the Christian church.

    Any church that can afford to maintain its building can afford to operate a tuition-free school. Some churches are doing this. For smaller churches, it might look a lot like homeschooling, with heavy use of monitored online or video content, while larger churches, or those with a larger donation base, would be able to hire teachers to provide teaching that is independent of preestablished programs.

    I've seen it done and know that it can be done, yet so many Christian churches are content to operate like senior citizen centers whose congregations wonder why young people aren't walking through their open doors on Sundays.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024 at 7:52 PM
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Church school is where the public education system began. The Anglican churches in Great Britain decided there should be schools at the church to teach children to read, especially the Bible. Education for all expanded from that beginning.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Taking kids out of the evil that is the public school system and providing an excellent academic education that includes religious instruction in a building that also functions as a church would do far more toward advancing Christianity than preaching to old people for one hour a week in a building that is otherwise an empty tomb.
    Hedi Mitchell and Don Alaska like this.
  4. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    We homeschooled all six of our children, and I understand what you are saying. We were started in homeschooling by a group of public school teachers who homeschooled their own kids. They said they didn't want their children being educated in the environment in which they worked.
    Hedi Mitchell and Ken Anderson like this.
  5. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    If I were young today I would not even have children unless I could stay at home and school them Our niece has been doing it for years with her, two. But she is also studying to be an RN and that is very stressful... especially when you have to drive over and hour to get to the college and then come home at dark sometimes - open ranges,no lights.. eek I could not do that:eek:

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