I used Duck Duck Go to join and make all my posts this morning. Now it says Cookies required and must accept them but gives me no options to accept them. I just logged in using Microsoft and it said by logging in I was accepting the cookies. Why all of a sudden did Duck Duck cope an attitude? It pains me to use Microsoft and no Google here. I hate all the tracking by Google and saying goodbye to them has worked out great. How do I change my Duck Duck to accept this sites cookies? Apparently, I crumbled the sites cookies and that wasn't duckie. UPDATE: I changed Duck setting to accept cookies and get message it will by using site, but still, I cannot log in using the Duck.
Duck Duck Go is a search engine, as are Edge and Google. Cookies are a browser issue. What browser are you using?
I am using Microsoft Edge 131. Microsoft works fine and is what I am using now. Duck was working just fine, then something changed. Duck now displays the same page as Microsoft with the cookies warning, but won't allow log in.
So you're using the Duck browser? I don't know that I've not been able to log on anywhere and my browser stops me for not accepting cookies. And Duck is supposed to have privacy features. Demanding acceptance of cookies seems backwards for it. I've accepted cookies for this site so it retains my log in credentials and I'm never logged out, even when I close my browser at the end of every evening.
Now Duck is working after I restarted my computer. I use the Duck browser, but it still shows as Edge 131 online but still blocks 1000s of trackers. I gotta remember to restart or reboot anything electronic first. Thanks for help.
I'm gonna download it just to have it so I can help folks out. I sometimes run into issue when my Firefox is locked down tight. I have DDG's Privacy Essentials, AdBlock Premium, and Firefox's Enhanced Tracking Protection in addition to the various cookie settings within the browser's preferences. I had to disable every single one the other night to load a friggin' Walmart survey. I open some sites in a virgin install of Edge just so the Comments section will load. So exactly what shows as "Edge 131 online" when you're using DDG? Where do you see that?
@John Brunner Kids are supposed to visit in a couple weeks, I'll get them to set it up for me. I don't follow instructions that good.
Some browsers default to not accepting cookies, and a privacy browser would be apt to do that, but without accepting cookies, you would be logged off every time you click on a new page. I quit using Edge because it would do that whenever it updated.