Did you ever think you would reach this year in your life? I did not. But I have, and though I feel like,at times my days are numbered, I still feel the need to make plans for another year. I do not make resolutions,as they ,like diets only work briefly. I do plan on making a few adjustments to our eating habits. I plan this year on re-assessing our finances, and papers for the when the 'Time' comes day. Changing passwords on many sites I use. I hope and plan to get a few medical issues seen to. Will spare you the list, as most of you suffer also from a variety of aches and pains. I plan, Lolo trying to stop taking out loud to myself ! Have done that forever and like the comedian Bill Engvall wife, who does also... it ain't working well with the Mister nowadays. I think it is a coping thing for me. Perhaps I can cut back. I can not cure all my weird habits, but I can hopefully tone them down. I plan on calling next year versus texting so much! A voice is really needed at times to determine how well a person 'really' is doing. Oh, and I am going to Stop reading side line news articles. Not click bait stuff, but articles on how we have been doing so many things wrong for years, and etc. So what do you hope or plan to do differently in 2025. p.s. yes, our up coming government and um, president are much to be aware of this coming year. But,since I can not fix that, will work on what I can .Happy New Year !
First, take care of my prostate and possible gallbladder problem the first part of February. Get my wife an appointment for a vision exam and new glasses. Continue packing some things to move up north. Don't want to handle another summer of high heat here! As for my personality, my wife totally understands my personality and likes it. Ss for anyone else, especially her older sister, sorry, it's not going to change. Eat right? Well, yes and no. That's all I have to say about that! LOL And, can't forget, totally support Trump. Well, unless he stops DST. We love the extra daylight in the evening.
Yes, I thought I might, but did have times I wondered if I would make it. So now, with my three quarters century old body, and this century approaching a quarter in the rear, I will go forth a mean, lean, sassy bad burro mama despite any besmirchment that may befall me. Onward to 2050.
As I've mentioned, my father and older brother died in their mid 50s. A younger brother was barely 60. The same was true of about all my grandparents. All from cancer. I'll be 71 in less than 5 months. I am in shock. I've mentioned this before...My only resolution is to resubscribe to some of the general interest magazines I used to get. I also liked some of the world affairs stuff that was not so steeped in American partisan politics. Most of the websites I read every day are nothing but negativity. I get the NRA Magazine, but that's just full of "They want to take your rights away!" every month with a few gun ads sprinkled in. I get the state's Dept of Wildlife Resources magazine every month, so I read about hunting, fishing, and the general state of our critters. But the bulk of it is political fear porn. It's too much. Regarding the thread title... It's gonna have to be close enough.
Oh, well as you can see on my avatar I love equine but haven't had any since 2001. Horses are beautiful and donkeys are highly intelligent.